7/20/05 TALK: MN/IA/WI

69 knot wind gust reported at Vtn Nebraska! Also giant hail from 2.75 to 4.25 inches has been reported elsewhere....!!! :shock: :D
To my knowledge, no tornadoes were reported from the storms when they were more discrete earlier this evening. I am pretty sure the LCLs were much too high, as was forecasted. Some of the better shear parameters were also off to the east in Iowa.... which of course meant that no storms would form there since thats where I live.
Definitely some good shear on radar, but that doesnt really mean crap for tornadoes since the rotation couldn't reach the ground.... or stay together if it made it that far.
I am just about 40 miles north of omaha awaiting the arrival of the squall line, which looks to be filling in more, outflow from storms can now easily be spotted on radar hopefully I'll get some shots of a nice shelf.