7/19/04 NOW: IA, WI, MI

Dec 11, 2003
Denton, Texas
The isolated supercell in northeast IA (Winneshiek County about 80 miles east of Mason City) has a strong velocity couplet and on reflectivity a visible hook is apparent on the *north* side of this southward moving storm. Wouldn't be surprised if touchdown reports don't filter in shortly.

Would be an interesting trick to the keep the updraft backlit while chasing this storm. I guess you'd stay west southwest of the meso looking north-northeast and periodically get back in your car and run away south again. LOL. Dancing with the devil. Wish I was there.
Looks to be a HP... considering the kidney-bean shape on radar.

Nope, should be classic, the hook is on the NW side of the storm. Save the pic and rotate the image ~130 degrees and it will look more familiar. Does have a very odd looking v-notch, but I think your confusion here is the cell orientation.

The hook dissipated, rotation has weakened on radar, but this storm might have a long day ahead of it. Even if there's no tornado, I bet the structure is impressive. Hope someone has a camera pointed at it. I agree with Glen that the storm looks well-ventilated and should be fairly efficient.
Somebody should start a thread for all the stuff that is going on in Upper Michigan... several SVR's out and some pretty potent looking stuff up there.

Somebody should start a thread for all the stuff that is going on in Upper Michigan... several SVR's out and some pretty potent looking stuff up there...Nick..

I'll re-title this thread and we can include it on the same topic. No point cluttering things up. Do we know if anybody is actually chasing upper Michigan?
No idea...

One storm showing some excellent structure on radar... Some pretty nice, tight rotational velocity on Marquette radar. 1" inch hailstones already reported in Dickinson...
Crap convergence won out today in IA for sure. Glad I'm home...it's too dang hot out!