6-9 Hill City Video. Yet another point of view.

Apr 19, 2004
Salem MA
I know I'm a little late to the table with this. I've been extremely busy since returning from my chase trip. I haven't had a chance to properly cull through my video and photos of the season. I usually save that for the long winter months. But I thought it was a good time to share this clip since the June 9 thread was recently revisited. And I figure ya'll will probably be spending some quality time on line this weekend.

This storm – among the many that day – was well documented. I've seen a lot of great footage from many different angles. And I look forward to viewing the footage collected on the charity DVD. I offer up yet another point of view. This video is a rough cut (very rough) of my 6-9 footage of the Hill City beast. My chase partner Joel Ewing and I caught this from it's first drop. We were positioned SE of the storm.

The first few seconds are a bit shaky. I was setting tripod with one hand and shooting with the other. But it stabilizes pretty quickly.

The file is large. About 20MB. I will only leave it up for a short period (probably through the weekend), as my transfer bandwidth is running a little short. I hope you enjoy.


Viewing this footage I'm reminded that we all have countless blessings to be thankful for. I want to wish you all a safe, peaceful and joyous Thanksgiving. Remember, It's all about the Pie!

Best to all,
