Rich Thompson
I can't remember seeing any dewpoint projections that were consistently forecast by the NAM or GFS for a chase day that were way off this year. And in this case the GFS isn't showing a magical leap of moisture. It is showing 48 hours of advection and I can look at a surface chart now and see a good moisture pool already in place over the gulf. I'm considering the moisture quality over the gulf and the amount of time we should get for moisture advection with this setup. If you get 48 hours of moisture advection leading into this, with wind speeds >30kts over the southern plains for the last 24 hours, how far do you think that moisture will travel? I don't consider low 60 degree dewpoints for Monday "super bullish moisture-return predictions". That seems very reasonable to me and I'd be really surprised to see that not verify.
Mid-upper 60 Tds are not a stretch in this coming case for the reasons you stated - 48 hrs of relatively unimpeded advection and the moisture is already present across the wrn Gulf. Of course, there haven't been that many chase days this years in the Plains, but several recent events have featured Tds closer to 3-5 F too high. The difference in those cases was an apparent local source in the model forecast (didn't match the actual local sources, or lack thereof).
Other than some minor EML concerns I have for areas farther south along the dryline, and the fact that I'm working mids, the chase situation looks quite good (and reasonable) for 5 days out.