Apr 10, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
Since this could be a big one, I decided it might be a good idea to give everyone a rough idea of where you will be chasing on Thursday. This would allow for some networking between chasers before the main action comes. Then some discussion after the event.

I'll be chasing somewhere in NE KS, probably close to the Manhattan-Topeka-Lawrence-KC region on north to the Nebraska/Missouri border. Limiting factor is a grad. seminar at 3:30 (just announced Tuesday, after everything fell into place to get out before noon), otherwise I'd be in my target position well before then.
I am going to try and stay in the local viewing area for KFSM (Western Arkansas, Far Eastern Oklahoma, and maybe start out a little west toward Tulsa, or Stroud.

Also if anyone needs a ride on Thursday and is in my area, I can swing by and pick you up. I have room for 1 passenger, but be ready for a long night, because depending on the damage, I may head to one of the areas that may be hit hard to help out, and possible even open a shelter for the Red Cross.
If someone near Kansas City is chasing tomorrow and wouldn't mind taking along a newbie, send me a line. I would chase on my own, but I don't have any experience or equipment. It's been several years since my training seminar (not that that teaches everything) and I could definitely learn more. All I know is I love weather and I would love to see what a real chase is like. If no one wants an inexperienced tag-along, that's cool too. Good luck to everyone tomorrow. I look forward to reading your chase reports.

MODS: Delete this if you think it inappropriate.

Simply a gut feeling, but it seems like SPS keeps moving the convective outlook back to the W on every update. so I wouldn't be surprised to see more of KS under the gun before it's over.

I'm stuck in Topeka most of the early afternoon for a Dr. appointment, then physical therapy on an injured ankle in the early afternoon. With luck I'll be in the field by 1500.

I'm probably going to remain in the Topeka area and limit my chasing to the outlying counties surrounding Shawnee county.

As I was writing this, SPC put all of NE KS into High risk category. Topeka appears to be dead center.

I pointed this out on my blog this morning, but after the rough weather last week in Nebraska (F0 tornado), the local news in Omaha has done a superb job of alerting the public all week to the lead up for today. It looks like it might have paid off as we're looking for what could be quite a show around this area, even though the more violent stuff looks to stay somewhat south of the Omaha metro.
Much like Scott Olson, I have a work meeting at 3:30 that I have to attend and as soon as that's done with, I am screaming down I-29. Look for the blue blur of a Ford Escort B)

For SwiftWX 2.5(new version out) users, you will see my Baloo beacon.
I think I will be out monster hunting along the Red River in extreme SE Ok. There is a small area of decent terrain from Idabel, Ok to Texarkana where everything is really coming together nicely. I hate being in such a limited space and having to worry about a potential cap bust but I am also pretty certain that there will be at least one massive tornado down in this area. If anyone would like to come for the ride let me know, I have everything needed but could really use an extra hand. I do not want to get too far north because everything is setting up to be quite a show tomorrow in the Ms Delta and the terrain there is too good to miss.
Chasers chasing near Omaha, please take note

825 AM CST THU APR 6 2006


Edit, if this is out of place, please delete
Looks like I picked the right location on accident.

More details: I'll be at the scenic overlook on 177 S. of Manhattan from 1 PM to 2:30PM or when initiation starts occurring. If I can get out of half of my lecture, I'm booking it to the NE.

Edited for time I'll be at the overlook.
I'm sitting 28 miles east of Kansas City in good ol' Missouri ... will hopefully have internet available out in the field to post on the trends

Figuring to either pass through Kansas City or head into SE Nebraska

Hoping as well to meet up with Sean McMullen

203 260 2596
Benjamin, I too will be with Sean as soon as katie gets off work at 3:30 which should be early enough to get to the best storm, she is a great driver ;) look forward to meeting you!!

I'm sitting 28 miles east of Kansas City in good ol' Missouri ... will hopefully have internet available out in the field to post on the trends

Figuring to either pass through Kansas City or head into SE Nebraska

Hoping as well to meet up with Sean McMullen

203 260 2596
I'll be concentrating on the Lawrence/Topeka/Atchison tirangle unless I get out of town late. Then I'll play eastern Kansas on the dry line stuff.
I'll be working today and nowhere near the storms. Hopefully I can get off in time to do some virtual chasing and maybe help some of you who are actually out in the field. Keep your wits about you today. I think things could get really ugly, especially closer to sunset. Take care and good luck everyone! I look forward to reading 4 full pages(at least) of storm reports tomorrow.
Now sitting in Marysville, KS(?) ... along 36 ... notice storms developing down by ICT but hesitant ... CAP is still strong .... dewpoints way lower than expected though have to see how elevated mixed layer will tie into everything ... concerned over backed flow ... unsure as if to proceed northward or stay put ...
I called off my chase today since I was having problems with the Wxworx, got a late start and due to the limited chase terrain in my target I decided to cut my losses early and focus on tomorrow closer to home in better terrain with all my equipment working. I still think extreme SE Oklahoma is going to be explosive late this afternoon into the evening hours. I regret not being able to go but as long as tomorrow looks as good as it does I can deal with it. Good luck to anyone in the field and stay alert.