4/01/06 FCST: KS/OK/TX

Chase Target:
23 mi SW of Dodge City, KS; or highway 23, 8 mi S of US 56.

4:30 PM CST.

We’ve entered a progressive springtime severe weather pattern, with a chasuble storm outbreak every few days. Today’s setup will be more typical of that in late spring in the southern plains as storms should initiate just south of Liberal, KS at around 4:00 PM CST along a dry line just south of developing low pressure. By 4:30, chasers should be at the advised target location in order to intercept a developing supercell as it moves from SW to NE at 25 mph; with a mesocyclone passing 5 mi NW of the advised target.

12Z Synoptic setup indicates long-wave trough in the WRN CONUS, along with a medium-wave ridge in the middle and a cutoff ULVL low which continues to spin away in the NERN CONUS as it opens up over time. The primary feature affecting today's outbreak will be a very potent shortwave in the mid-levels (800mb through 600mb), currently located near Farmington, NM at 12Z, and which is rounding the trough base and will intensity as it approaches the target area. Guidance is now in excellent agreement as to the surface reflection of this feature – which indicates impressive moisture return into SWRN KS along while a SFC low and associated dry line tracks along a Garden City to Great Bend, KS line through the early evening. Shear parameters and hodographs will rapidly improve between 22Z and 01Z as a 35kt LLJ strengthens on top of a decoupling BL with 10kt SERLY flow. Moisture, essentially non-existent at 12Z, will increase throughout the period; and a 100mb moist layer should be in place at Dodge City as storms develop there later on. Thls layer should taper to about 50mb in depth at Garden City; and 20mb along the KS/CO border.

- bill

The F5 hitting a metro area reference wasn't direct towards you. :)

As it happens, SRH will almost always increase after dark with the nocturnal strengthening of the low-level jet. However, the low-levels also begin to stabilize after peak heating (generally), so the chances of surface-based convection usually drops to near 0 by 6-8z. We'd be in a world of hurt if we could keep surface-based convection through the night on many of these chase days

I'm still undecided about heading sw or NW out of OKC. The 12z NAM doesn't show any precip south of I40 today, which is a bit concerning. Deep moisture will return as the warm front lifts northward, with a good chance of ~3000+ CAPE in sw OK (which is impressive for Apr 1!). The dryline is progged to be pretty diffuse, though I expect it a bit tighter than models are indicating now since they tend to decrease strong gradients that are often present near such boundaries as dryline. I'm a tad concerned about convection firingalong the dryline in TX, but taking its sweet time to work into the better shear environment in western OK.

The 12z NAM came in with weaker vort max in far western TX by afternoon, which you can also see in the UVV charts (weaker vort max = weaker DPVA = less upward motion on the larger scale). I think this partially explains why the NAM doesn't show much in the way of initiation before 0z. In addition, while the shape of the shear profile and hodogrpah look good, the overall intensity of the shear is a bit weak. Yes, it'll increase after dark, but that's after dark. With the prog of a little stronger 500mb flow north of I40, and best CAPE south of I40, I think the best now is to head west and keep the N and S options open until things become more clear later today.
OK, I understand now what you're saying. I'm sorry for getting snippy like that. :(

I looked and looked, but I can't find a good link to the 0000z WRF. The only reason I bring this up is because I want to see what Brian Stertz is talking about in his 12:30 AM update last night.
think iam gonna go with my gut feeling and earlyer plans of swrn okahoma
setup along 44 close to or near lawton,currently surface dewpoints have
managed to reach near 70 from n tx into extreem sc ok as of 1000, iam
also getting concerned for area that area also further into central ok
late this eve as i feel tornadoes, with one or two strong ones could be poss
after dark... i'll post more updates later on when i get setup
I like the idea of setting up shop in Southwestern Oklahoma near the Texas Panhandle border (between Altus, OK and Childress, TX. Conditions appear to be favorable for initiation in Extreme East Texas Panhandle or Southwestern OK this afternoon. A moderately defined cumulus line is evident as a result of the warm front or old outflow boundary. This is in an area of increasing Theta E advection and instability. Once these cells form, they should move through the Eastern Texas Panhandle and Southwestern OK area as supercells with tornadic potential. I favor the above target area to start because it will be a good chase location to be on the southwest side of most most storms. While the initial storms may be in the northern TX/OK panhandle, I believe better storms will develop in the target area later. These will be the storms that feed on the juiced up air, higher TD's/CAPE/Etc....

Good luck.
A very interesting byproduct of today's setup that may prove to be instrumental in this afternoon's convective evolution....there is very pronounced differential heating gradient/boundary setting up along the warm front, evident here from OK Mesonet Solar Rad imagery:


This might persist through the afternoon, but also could wash out with the front. If it doesn't, .add in a surging dryline....the intersection could be yummy! Also, baroclinicity generated would make a nice place for a supercell to root and turn hard right on.

Good luck again to those venturing out!
Just looked outside, looking west, From Booker, TX.
Cu field has started to develop west of Booker. TDs are approaching 60 here in the northeast texas panhandle. Temperatures have warmed into the 80s and cape values have reached 2000. Storms should start to develop within the next hour or so. Dryline has started to show up in the western TX Panhandle and is slowly moving east. Target still appears to be here in Booker for me. Good luck to all that chases.