samuel stone
Descent 1000 mb surface cyclone looks develop across the central/southern high plains Saturday and set up a nice dryline through sw/sc kansas south through western oklahoma/eastern Texas panhandle and into north texas per 0z Nam model run, GFS Proggs surface cyclone slightly deeper at 999 mb. Nicely backed surface winds(especially east of where the dryline arcs back northwest) should result in more than sufficient low level shear supportive of tornadoes, and mid upper level shear is at least supportive, and in favorable orientation of the surface boundary to make supercells the favored storm type. Lots of instability(CAPE upwards of 2000 in some areas of western oklahoma). so everything looks great if storms can manage to initiate that is. I say that because cap still looks strong across much of the area. If we could speed up the progression of the upper trough just a bit this problem could be dissolved but I dont know if this is going to happen especially considering that if anything the models have trended to slow systems down a bit lately. 700 mb temps around 5-6 are on the brink of clear sky bust for this time of the year, and there is also a strong possibility that there will be some cirrus clouds overspreading the target area through initiation. So it appears to be some what conditional at this time as to wheather storms can develop but if they manage development they would be of supercellular character and have the potential to priduce tornadoes for the reasons stated above. Surface moisture appers favorble especially from Kansas border sout with 60 degree dewpoints up to atleast the Ks border(possibly further) progged by the 0z Nam.
All in all looks good but initiation again appears to be the main problem
All in all looks good but initiation again appears to be the main problem