What IS FACT is that our planet cycles through climate changes naturaly and that has been going on for millions of years. There is evidence to this FACT locked away in polar ice, trees rings of 3000 year old Sequoia trees, fossils, and other geologic features.
You mention historical/proxy data sources for evidence that the earth has been warmer. However, by the same sources, there is ample (and corroborated) data that indicate that the earth has been warming much faster in the past 100 years than centuries and millenia. Yes, there wasn't much in the way of thermometers 300+ years ago, but there are proxy data, as you know. When various data sources (tree rings, ice core samples, fossil pollen, sedimentation samples, coral samples etc.) corroborate a basic trend, it lends some confidence that the trend is not a function of statistical manipulation. Even examining rural stations (to minimize effects of urban sprawl) indicates significant global mean temperature increases over the past 100 years. In addition, we know that the sea level is rising, mean and especially summer minimum ice extent is diminishing (except for minor expansion in/near Antarctica), and oceanic SSTs are, in the mean, rising. All of these other readily-measured observables conceptually agree with global warming. Yes, there are problems with the international temperature record, and there are many different datasets that use different correction factors in an attempt to remove things like urbanization, instrument quality, etc. However, nearly all of them show the same story.
And guess what is the NUMBER ONE source of CO2 in the atmosphere? Volcanoes!! Yes, that's right folks. And what follows major volcanic events? LOWER global temperatures. WHY? Because of all the aerosols spewed into upper levels of the atmosphere that reduces incoming sunlight. Read about Mt Pinatubo and its affects on our climate here:
Al Gore's intentions are for nobody's benefits but himself.
Denial? Ha. I challenge anyone on Al Gore's side to get educated. Read this:
The earth's orbit has a natural effect called orbital forcing. Evidence shows correlations with climate changes.
Okay, I just had to speak up and vent.
Not a single person in here denies any of that. As I said in the previous post, and as most folks who are moderately read on global climate change data and forcings know, the climate does change naturally! Milankovitch cycles (e.g. orbital and tilt variations), volcanic eruptions, changes in solar output, and many other 100% natural factors CAN and HAVE changed the climate in the past. Heck, a large volcanic eruption may change the climate much faster and much more significantly than humans can. This is no surprise, and no one will refute that. However, just because natural factors can change climate does NOT necessarily mean that ONLY they can change the climate. None of the above natural forcings inherently preclude humans from changing the climate. Are you denying that CO2 does not absorb and re-radiate longwave energy? Are you refuting the idea that deforestation and land use changes effect the heat balance and composition of the atmosphere?
All of this seems like it would be best represented by a probability distribution function. There needn't be a binary or extreme "Yes, humans are the sole cause of massive global warming" or "No, humans have 0, zilch, absolutely no effect whatsoever on the atmosphere and climate". It seems, to me, that is is more likely than not that humans have some effect on the global climate. Sure, it may turn out that humans have a negligible impact, and the observed increase rate of warming lately is purely coincidence in terms of industrialization, or it's just a statistical error. However, it believe that's not the MOST LIKELY outcome or driver of observed global climate change.
The "us" vs. "them" mentality in which those who support global warming are either blind sheep or conspirators out to screw the world's larger economies seems insulting to those who consider themselves relatively educated. Sure, some folks just regurgitate what they hear in the media, but that works both ways (either for or against the notion that humans affect the climate). But there are many educated, well-read people who certainly have no will to "conspire" against everyone to lead this "scam", nor do they have an ulterior motive to produce fake science for the sole purpose of grant money. And it's insulting to insinuate such.