Aaron Kennedy
Dps don't seem so bad right now, but I expect them to mix out throughout the day... between marginal forcing and marginal moisture, it's a no go for me.
Myself, Gabe Garfield, and a few others are currently just east of Altus, en route to CDS likely. Don't really have much to share at this time, just occassional blue skies beneath a broken strato-cu deck. I am encouraged by the SPC mesoanalysis depictions of ~1500 CAPE almost reaching the Red River, though I still have my reservations. I suppose even if the RUC is 'overanalyzing' by 2x, that's still 750 CAPE, at 2pm, which isn't too shabby. We're certainly keeping our fingers crossed that we can get at least one storm to pop near us, though we realize the odds are stacked against us. Hello from the eastern outskirts of LTS.
EDIT: 3:35pm -- Still in LTS. We're quite encouraged by the latest 18z RUC run, which initiates convection along the OK/ TX PH border and into western N TX before 0z. We're now under 50% cloud cover... We'll probably hang out here in LTS for a little longer to get more data, with plans on dropping south towards Quanah. [/b]