2011-05-22 Joplin, MO tornado thread

Don't know if anyone had mentioned this, but in about two weeks Extreme Makeover: Home Edition will be in Joplin for what they said is the biggest build in the show's history; 7 houses in 7 days. I think that's pretty cool of them to do.
I agree, and after watching the episode you could certainly give thanks to them in their job well done for those families!
Don't know if anyone had mentioned this, but in about two weeks Extreme Makeover: Home Edition will be in Joplin for what they said is the biggest build in the show's history; 7 houses in 7 days. I think that's pretty cool of them to do.

Yes, I can confirm this as well Joey. It was actually a large student based group from Drury College out of Springfield that did all the reconstruction to the park located in Joplin. Will be a very good and emotional episode for those interested in watching it. Along with the Drury group, as Joey mentioned there was also reconstruction of 7 houses in the Joplin area as well. The community has really stepped up and done remarkable things in helping the community. Joplin was awarded as a national tree city 3 years ago, and the area that was destroyed by the tornado removed 97 % of the trees in the path of that deadly tornado. They are in the process of replanting many of the trees, such as dogwoods and other trees. It will take many years to recover all the trees that were lost, but it is a wonderful thing that so many people locally and out of the area have invested their time and finances to help those people in the recovery process.
I hadn't seen this one yet (until someone stuck it on my Facebook wall):

Watch video >

Claims to be from Joplin; couldn't verify by watching the signs on the interstate, but the topology looks about right.
The signs are readable at the 1080 HD resolution - that's at the Highway 71 interchange (the Neosho exit). Doesn't look like that video had been discovered before today, though it was posted on May 26.
The wind direction (from foreground left to background right) as the truck is rolled is consistent with the positioning given by Dan and the track of the tornado.
One of the signs over the interstate said Tulsa on it, which would be consistent with I-44 at Joplin. Another sign had the state of Missouri on it. From the other video of Joplin and also seeing the damage path in person, I am quite convinced this was the Joplin tornado. Pretty crazy video.
This is footage of the Joplin tornado as we were just seconds from this intersection coming from the north towards 71 south at the Flyn J Truckstop. We were able to get on 44 and race east to hwy 37 as debris was still falling and had sight of it on the ground just se of the truckstop.Not sure if this footage was taken in front or behind us...