2009 Bell County SKYWARN Training with Special Guest Reed Timmer

Apr 10, 2008
2009 Bell County (Central Texas) SKYWARN Training with Special Guest Reed Timmer



We would like to invite everyone out to the 2009 SKYWARN Training put on by The Bell County Texas Office of Emergency management and The National Weather Service.

It will be held on Saturday, March 21st 2009, at the Central Texas College Nursing & Science Building in Killeen, Texas. I would like everyone to show up for the free event/training and bring as many people as possible to be prepared again for a new season and meet and greet with others from the region.

This date is obviously contingent for Reed and most of us on weather conditions on/around this day, so keep that in mind when planning. Please see the following sites as well as the link to the event details and future updates:





Hope to see you there!
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Shoot, if I had a car, I'd come. Walking to Killeen on a cane just wouldn't do. LOL Wouldn't mind going to one of these things, learning about storms. Y'all south of me, I'm in Johnson County.
Shoot, if I had a car, I'd come. Walking to Killeen on a cane just wouldn't do. LOL Wouldn't mind going to one of these things, learning about storms. Y'all south of me, I'm in Johnson County.

TESSA(Texas Severe Storms Association) is having the Texas Severe Storms Conference coming up on March 14th in Colleyville which is a little closer to you. This will be my first year to attend but I hear it's a good one.
Thanks, Chris, appreciate the info. Is everyone invited or do you have to be a meteorologist or chaser? I'm just starting out. LOL
This is the link to TESSA http://www.tessa.org/meeting.html
The 2009 National Storm Conference
Saturday, March 14, 2009, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM - Colleyville, Texas
Colleyville Center

The TESSA National Storm Conference is free and open to the public. Registration is not required, but arrive early, seating is limited to 500

Hope that helps.

Yes, it does, thank you! Now just need a ride there ... sigh. Not having a car BITES. LOL

Yes, it does, thank you! Now just need a ride there ... sigh. Not having a car BITES. LOL


Several of us from Bell County also attend the TESSA conference. We have to pass through your town and could give you a ride to it. Unfortunately we can't help out much if you wish to attend the Bell County SKYWARN session this year.

Dr. Charles Doswell will be presenting at the TESSA conference and that is worth the trip for me...

Are you an amateur radio operator? if so we can talk in on one of the FTW repeaters... If not I can probably arrange for two other VEs (volunteer examiners) to ride with me and we can have you tested and qualified by the time we get to Colleyville...

Oh, that would be great. Would love a ride to the TESSA conference. My twin sister, who lives with me, would like to go, too. Was telling her about the conference and she was like, "COOL!"

P/M me and I'll give you my e-mail addy, directions and all that.

No, not a amateur radio operator, can't afford. Am an amateur chaser, though: no car, so I chase off the front porch or on my walkabouts around town. LOL It's fun, getting pictures of clouds and skies, it's helping me deal with my lifelong StormFear.

Thanks again for your help!!
Don't forget about the Garland event for those of you east of I-35...it's pretty big as well.
Not an early morning riser on Saturdays, but I will at least try to make the afternoon session. Sounds like a good program. Stormtrack's own Joe Dorn and Reed Timmer, too. Nice work putting this together, Aaron!

I'm gonna give a shot at making it. Definitely won't make the morning session, and I have to work Saturday night, but will try to get down there.