2/16/09 FCST: CA

Feb 26, 2007
Norman, OK / Lancaster, CA
Whopper of a storm slamming California with a slight risk for SoCal.

SPC has been upgrading probabilities this morning, with an impressive line-up for the region.

Current analysis and progs all pointing to this area being something to watch today. Impressive 995 surface low off the NorCal coast bringing strong surface flow from the south. Very strong wind energy in all levels is setting up an impressive shear profile, especially for southern California coasts and valleys. Low level flow is currently backed from the SSE-ESE across many areas as a convergence boundary is evident over the inner coastal waters. 850 LLJ of 30-45 knot as progged by the models certainly creates room for concern, especially seeing this is overspreading southern Cal including the LA Basin. Cold pool aloft associated with dynamic upper energy will be destabilizing the atmosphere over the next several hours allowing convection to be increasingly prevalant. This will be coinciding with increasing temperatures and dewpoints pushing 50+ moving up from the south.

Storms going up in this environment will need to be watched very carefully as atypically strong wind shear, both speed and directional, along with instability and dynamics may cause issues.

SPC mentions velocity couplets already this morning with shallow convective elements offshore.

Forecasting severe in SoCal is tricky, as there are many variables to consider, including the rather concentrated geography for any activity to be focused in. Nevertheless, I do think a watch may be warranted as trends continue to be monitored.
Visible satellite imagery is now showing horizontal stratus rolls developing downwind of Catalina and San Clemente Islands. This is indicative of the very strong low-mid level wind shear currently present over the area. Temperatures are warming up along coastal areas and a large area of clearing is seen overspreading the coast. MD out of SPC highlights lack of more substantial instability precluding more of a significant threat. The CAPE does NOT have to be that high for convective initiation and intensity in California. Several hundred J/KG is sufficient, along with terrain forcing/convergence. Helicity is progged to be very impressive so if any sustained cells are able to get going, they may pose trouble.
Mods move this if it necessary.
Central CA/Coast expecting more rain in the next twelve hours and possible thunderstorms and small hail. Will update in the next few hours as the low pressure moves thru NW of my static pos. Mostly low-level scrub cumulus and a local temp of 48 degrees F. Expecting ther next banding of showers to move thru. Ground is fairly saturated from past 48 hrs of continuous rain; although flood watch was lifted 16 hrs ago. Still considered to be possible of rock and mudslides on mountain/hill roads due to saturation. Local creeks and storm drains at 50%> capacity in Santa Clara/'Silicon' Valley.
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Lightning flashes starting to occur at 6:22 PST S of San Jose/Cupertino. Apparently, todays UV surface heating was minimal but still enough for change in lapse rates. Low-level cumulus is present, but most of the real convection so far seems to limited to the coast range mountains to the W and SW. Rain is minimal at this point, but is expected to increase overnight. I will update.
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Flood watches issued for the foothills to the S, SW, W, and N Bay Areas. Hwy 1 and Hwy 17 both partially shut down due to mudslides caused by a loss of foliage/trees from last years fires. Big Sur area also shut down for the same reasons. It has been raining constantly since 2 AM last night, sometimes heavy. Storm drainage and small streams are at 60%> and efficiently moving away accumulation so far.

No hail as yet; at least not at my fixed pos. I thought that the NWS was being a bit generous with that forecast. But today's surface hi temp and surface heating may allow for some small hail yet to happen. The Coast Range Mtns have accumulated over 11" over the past 5 days, and expected to receive more.
Will update.
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