2/16/06 NOW: Midwest and Great Lakes Region

Originally posted by Scott Olson
Take a look at the 18z KILX sounding:


Wow, not bad for mid Feburary!

Not bad at all, and it shows that the RUC analysis wasn't handling the instability fields very well... The 18z sounding shows ~1200 j/kg SBCAPE, while the RUC/SPC Mesoanaly had ~250-500 j/kg CAPE at the time, IIRC. Regardless, the 380 m2/s2 0-1km SRH isn't shabby either!
For what it's worth - I was just west of Tuscola at the time of the tornado report at Atwood. I never saw anything that looked all that threatening. There was a mushy shelf cloud along the leading edge of the precip - with a somewhat lowered base on an inflow band feeding in from the southeast, but if there was a tornado it apparently eluded my attention - or the timing of the report is off. The cell did produce some incredible forked lightning, as well as a few ~ 1 inch hailstones among a smothering assault of pea sized hail in white-out conditions, with winds perhaps approaching 60 mph briefly. No complaints for mid-February in IL, but now we are back to our regularly scheduled programming here.
