It has been snowing steadily in Ames for around an hour and a half... Some slight accumulations on the grass, you can still barely see the green. Hardly any wind to speak of right now that i can see, although that is going to change in the next hours as we head towards nightfall. Many of those areas that got hit by tornadoes are likely experiencing some snowflakes...
Jeff - that video is awesome ... I love it! ... Looks like Omaha has met the arctic yet again ... even with that wet snow, the wind certainly doesn't seem to be having any trouble making it look almost like whiteout up there.
GRR upgraded the entire CWA to a high wind warning... Some locations along Lake Michigan already gusting to 70MPH, with 40-50MPH sustained (per GRR AFD). They also state that inland wind gusts could be in excess of 60MPH...

The NAM has the strongest low level flow lingering over the eastern part of the state, while wind speeds in the west are slightly weaker. This is verified pretty well with the VAD profile data from GRR and DTX... Models also indicate very strong subsidence and mixing heights up around 900MB-850MB - which taps into the 50-55KNTS available at 950-925MB. So, I would suspect that DTX might end up with a high wind warning as well.
After a foggy/rainy day here (about 3/4"), the rain has changed over to some light snow here. First flakes of the season. The winds are just now starting to pick up. So far my highest gust is only 33mph, but the stronger winds are still out in IA.

It's hard to believe a few nights ago I was sitting on my deck in a t-shirt.

Very interesting storm. Was fun to track.