08/04/04 REPORTS: Ohio Valley/High Plains/Canada

Route: Charleston, WV to Chillicothe, OH to Portsmouth, OH to Ashland, KY, then back home. ~300 miles total, a short chase as chases go.

Was in position to intercept four severe storms, all of which collapsed before my very eyes as I approached. The whole day was practically spent in cool outflow. Didn't see one flash of lightning, just one weak shelf cloud after another and light rain.

Norman, OK and Charleston, WV share the weather vacuum effect, as once again a line of severe cells split and moved north and south of town after I arrived home.

Was data-less today except for a brief Flying J stop. Nowcasting by Doug Kiesling and Bill Coyle put me in the right spot several times, but the storms didn't cooperate. Like Iowa, one of these days Ohio is going to put on a show - just have to be there when it does.
Columbus -> Indianapolis 11 AM or so.
Drove under what I assumed was the remains of one or both of yesterdays storms. Weak and unexciting.

Got to some clearing near Indi and gathered some data. Stronger storms were firing up near Bllomington in S Central IN. I figured that we would go were the storms were even if the terrain would be rough.

Southeast of Bloomington we watched a nice storm develop and begin to form an anvil. Headed towards Salem on rt 60 to intercept and the storm evaporated.

Drove through the apparent track of a previous, months old, tornado or severe winds?? Memorial day outbreak? A house seemed to have been obliterated, trees had been blown down.

Weather radio out of Louisville reported Severe Tstorm watch for KY and some local warnings. Headed to Kentucky. Got behind the line of storms. Parked in a Flying J in Shelbyville KY and watched tower after tower build over Lousiville roll east and then evaporate. Wether they were hitting the cold outflow from the first line or what I don't know. It was sad to watch these good towers evaporate. They literally faded into light fluffy bunches of nothing in a matter of minutes. It was nice to have wireless access and radar of a storm while it passed overhead. It was educational anyhow.

Took 71 to Cinci and Home to Columbus/Athens.
I went from MO over through IL and into IN. Saw one storm after another build and evaporate, build and evaporate. Saw some TOR- warnings for KY but I didn't want to go that far on a 2% risk day. Saw some cool shelf clouds in IL but that was it.