Well, I met up with Jeff Snyder and that group of people in Childress. Since Jeff has already posted our log for the day, I won't repeat it. In a nutshell, it was a day of extreme timing and incredible navigation.
Operating in the blind with no data and just my eyes, I had a feeling that the south storm was the place to be. Especially after seeing the proximity of the storms with respect to each other when we did have a radar picture. Typically, the outflow from the south storm gets pulled into the north storm and sends it to crap. Indeed, this is what eventually happened. I've observed this so many times, it's hard to count...off-hand i can remember this happening on: May 29, 2004 in Kansas; June 6, 2005 (or whatever day the Marlow storm was); and yesterday. Only once have I seen the north storm go one and produce instead and that was near Cordell, OK, on May 5, 2001.
However, I was concerned about the better shear to the north and wanted to keep it as an option. Guess we made the wrong choice this time. Oh well, I've only got to chase 4 times this year, so I was at least glad I got to go. I did see that really weak tornado east of Dickens and had some good times, so it was definitely worth it. Especially the radio chatter coming home.
But like Jeff said, to know that the tornado machine was one county away is incredibly frustrating. I have to quit checking this forum after I chase. It just makes me mad.
A day late and a dollar short...so close, yet so far away...I could go on and on.
Here's a picture of what we did get.