05/27/04 NOW: TX, MO, IN, IL, OH, KY, WV

Larry J. Kosch

Starting a NOW thread for these areas. Severe T-storms have fired up already and tornado warnings have been issued in TX and MO. Post your NOW discussion here.

Update: Added OH, KY, WV to the state list. Those states are under a TORN watch.

8) LJK.
I am out in W. Tx today, and was on that cell that was tor warned by Sweetwater just north of I20. SPC has it on their reports page, but I never saw anything. It was looking nice for about 15 minutes and then just gusted out.
Del Rio storm is now tornado warned. Still impressive on radar )laughlin AFB), but had better hook a bit earlier.
MDT risk reaching into the Charleston, WV area, 5% tor, 35% hatched hail. Looked like an unusually long-lived (for the region) supercell tracked across central WV around Flatwoods. The line moving in behind it is going to be mean.

This magnitude of a system in the Mountain State only happens once every one to two years - of course, I'm in Oklahoma now.
I was near Abilene and decided to bail on the chase to get in position for this weekend. There was a brief tornado north of the city but the storm quicly died.

Bill Hark
Nothing really spectacular happened last night during the TOR watch. One cell briefly popped up just east of my location but died not long after I set out on it. Despite higher hopes that the system would produce early, by the time the line hit from OH it had weakened in my region to only minor annoyances and no hail/winds. Three storms hit right in a row after dark, but since darkness fell I couldn't chase them. :( Got some nice pics of the first couple cells that moved through the area though. Mountains make chasing challenging!