Mike called me at one point yesterday during this storm and asked, "Is this a good enough Nebraska storm for you?" LOL. The answer is HELL YEAH. I was glad Mike was there because a storm that beautiful needs great documentation. We drove south late into the night, and have now moved east to Colby, so I haven't had time for any pics, but this storm was one of the top three I have ever seen, and it was stacked, striated, and violently rotating for over three hours.
I saw many funnels and RFD plumes that could have been reported as tornadoes, or maybe they were tornadoes, I don't know. I didn't see anything I thought was a tornado, but Verne Carlson and his crew spotted a full nighttime tube on the southernmost meso.
I was thrilled with this storm, particularly since at around 23z, Neal Rasmussen and I were talking on the phone about how much longer we'd wait before heading south. Right after our last call, cu formed all over, and the GRI mothership began. I'll never forget this storm. I'll post a full report in the right place later.