05/07/06 - NOW Southeast U.S.

Feb 14, 2005
Charleston, South Carolina
A couple of doppler-indicated tornado warnings just to the north and west of my location in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina (northern suburb of Charleston), so I'll go ahead and start a NOW thread, and perhaps we will see some rare action in this part of the country. Surface obs at Orangeburg last hour indicated 68t/64td. Although much of the morning hours were dominated by high cloud cover, we had just enough sunshine around mid-day to heat the surface. We'll see how these storms evolve as they interact with the sea breeze boundary - although the sea breeze boundary sometimes provides a convergence mechanism, I have observed many instances of supercell formation just die out as it approaches the sea breeze boundary. Currently, cirrus blowoff covers the sky, so visual observation of the storms is difficult. I have observed some very unusual animal behavior over the past hour - the most notable being some ducks walking into the front yard and gathering underneath a tree. For now, my eyes will be trained mainly on the radar with occasional forays out to the deck. In this part of the country, Doppler-indicated warnings seem to be issued with any mesocyclone signature, so I'm not yet convinced there is something "real" to actually chase yet, but have camera ready and some gas in the tank.