02/27/05: NOW: TX

Feb 8, 2004
Detroit, MI
Strong mesocyclone on radar... TOR just got issued for the storm (Mitchell county). Reflectivities and VILs are strong as well -- surprising to see in this environment (very low instability and relatively weak shear).
It's moving south-southeast while all others are SE, also it looks like parts of the cell are shearing off and tailing the main storm with new rotations developing. VIL Density running around 4.5ish.

Rotations aren't terribly tight, and tops only to 25-30K, but surprising to see such a strong looking cell in such a horrible looking environment! Seems like the only thing it has would be lapse rates, as instab nil.

Interesting that as the storm is now passing into SJT's area, they are issuing a SVR at the same time MAF is issuing a TOR for the exact same storm...
With little to no CAPE and helicity, seems odd to issue the tornado warning on the mitchell county cell. I would be very suprised to hear a report. The storm does have impressive lightning.
Nick - I've seen no reports of large hail or tornadoes (skimmed through SVS's and no LSR's issued) so wonder where that analysis comes from?

The storm has died in a HURRY for some reason, yet SJT just put out a SVS stating it can still be producing large hail. I find that very hard to believe based on radar...
David and Gayla Drummond and Graham Butler are on this Severe and Tornado warned storm and have been since around 5:15 P.M. CST. They report seeing at least two well-defined wall clouds, hail piling up to at least three inches in depth, with the largest hail being nickel-sized. These observations were mostly in Howard and Mitchell counties.

Remember, we got real tornadoes with CAPE's less than 400 J/KG last week in California. With weather, "almost" anything is possible. There are so many storm-scale environmental conditions that we do not fully understand. Kinda makes chasing fun and fascinating.

One other note, could take a while for Local Storm Reports to be generated and sent in by NWS offices.