Your three wishes?

Since this is my first season even as a trained spotter, my wishes are: 1) witness and report at least one severe event, 2) purchase a modest digital camera at Walmart and take at least one picture worthy of posting on this wonderful site, 3) be able to chase one storm with a more experienced chaser and gratefully contribute half of his/her expenses.
Its hard to narrow my wishes down to three but here goes nothing...

1. I hope, pray and wish that I picked the right time frame to chase the plains this year (May 20-30). I had to lock in my vacation time early so I didn't run the risk of not being able chase the plains in May.

2. That I actually get to see and chase at least one TX-OK Panhandle monster supercell.

3. To chase and see most of the Tornadoes around my neck of the woods in Illinois, Iowa & Indiana (I just can\'t bring myself to actually "wish" to chase in WI or MI but I know I\'ll get suckered into it again somehow)

After last year between all the seasons of weather that I chased and the record breaking intercept of four hurricanes in 45 days, what more could I wish for?

If I have to use my three wishes, to kind of quote Roger Waters...

I wish they were all happy in the Middle East...

I wish somebody'd help me work on editing all this video...

And I wish when I was younger, my old man had not been gone so much and I could have got to know him better...

(Genie said consider it done)

There's something in the air
And you don't know what it is
You see someone through the window
Who you've just learned to miss
And the road leads on to glory but
You used up your last wish
Your last wish...
1) Someone to give me a WXWORX system!

2) To get the chase van COMPLETELY ready before the end of March!

3) To get to chase even MORE than I did last year!

Wish one is granted. :lol:

(okay, so, I didn't grant it all on my own, you helped...but still...GRANTED!)
My three wishes:

1) To chase as much as possible

2) To chase as much as possible

3) To chase see where this is going, dontcha?
