Your three wishes?

Feb 10, 2004
Scottsdale, AZ USA
March is already here and the season is approaching fast...

If you could name three wishes for the upcoming chase season, what would they be?

Here are three of mine for '05 (these are for photography, but the three wishes can be anything chase-wise!)

*Lightning with crescent moonrise
*Lightning hitting and illuminating object on the ground
*Lightning striking certain mountain peak in Arizona

If writing down your wishes converts them into goals, then they're closer to coming true! 8)

Got three wishes?
2003 and 2004 covered just about all my chasing "wishes" except for one: a high-contrast, long-track wedge tornado (such as a Manchester, SD). Hallam certainly qualified as a wedge (duh) but it was all but high-contrast, and it was 'no-contrast' during the 2nd half of it's lifetime. I did get the Osage County OK tornado on 5/8/03, but that was pretty low-contrast, and I wouldn't consider it a wedge anyways... Other than that, I'd also like to chase a day where you can leave one awesome tornadic supercell and get another awesome tornadic storm (a la June 8th 1995, May 3rd 1999, and others), without having to settle for a 'glimpse' of one...
A laptop, GPS, and a Kansas wedge or LP supercell. :lol: :lol: :lol: Maps can become a hassle! What was that about rolling the maps? :lol:
(1) First and foremost, that every tornado I see becomes a great piece of video

(2) Tornado with setting sun

(3) A classic, close-range, high-contrast violent tornado......the prototypical chaser wish
1) Someone to give me a WXWORX system!

2) To get the chase van COMPLETELY ready before the end of March!

3) To get to chase even MORE than I did last year!
My goals in no particular order:

Get new cell phone and camcorder just in time for spring
Save up for Canon Digital Rebel, or something similar
Catch tornadoes!
My three wishes...

1. Intercept the next confirmed f5 tornado.
2. Capture new exotic sprite/blue jet lightning or something even more exotic. (from a distance I suppose)
3. And finally to not get so obsessed with the intriquite details of my equipment that I fail to truly enjoy the incredible presentation of the first two.
1. That my vehicle maintains excellent working order throughout the entire season!
2. That I have an absolute blast regardless of what the weather brings.
3. I am able to chase whenever I want to get out!

No wish for certain weather cause half the fun is not knowing exactly what's gonna happen!
1. That I don't wet my pants, cry, and curl into a fetal position like I've done with every tornado I've ever seen.

2. That my 1971 Dodge chase van isn't pulled over by the police for all the red and blue strobes and lightbars festooning it.

3. Finally, that I take at least one good picture with the disposable camera I bought at Wal-mart. Last year my thumb was covering the lens on every shot I took. Couldn't see anything in the pictures except my thumb.

3.5 Bonus wish: that my new plan to probe a tornado by shooting sensors through water pistols at the tornado is finally taken seriously by Howie Bluestein.

3.75 Extra bonus wish: that Howie Bluestein will drop the restraining order.
1. To chase in all four time zones (already got the Pacific this year, Mountain and Central shouldn't be a problem, Eastern might be kinda tough though)

2. To actually see a tornado in May

3. To get tripoded footage of an entire tornado life cycle....and to make absolutely sure the camera is in manual focus while doing so
1. Obviously to see a nice tornado without any trees in the way...

2. Chase a hurricane...

3. Stay at the cabin up north near the coast of Lake Suprior for one winter, so I can actually see TONS of snow, and be able to witness what an annual average of +200 inches looks like...

Anyway, those are just wishes, LOL.. Not even a dream yet...
Originally posted by Jeff Wear
1. To chase in all four time zones (already got the Pacific this year, Mountain and Central shouldn't be a problem, Eastern might be kinda tough though)

Eastern might not to be too tough if you chase hurricanes in the fall.

My wishes are simple and modest.

1. See my second tornado
2. Chase the plains
3. Witness something beautiful and unique that I have never encountered (shouldn't be a problem for me).
Man, only 3 wishes !?!?!?!? lol

1. To see a mile wide wedge plowing through a Kansas wheatfield.

2. Win the lottery and chase in an H1 Hummer :wink: armor plated of course! ( Softball sized hail would be nothin! )

3. Get some extremely close-up video of a tornado.

and okay, maybe see the IMAX crew succeed and drive through a weak tornado safely ( would LOVE to see that footage! )
the right side eyewall of a cat 5 landfalling durring the day, and something made of steel and concrete to sit behind, which just happens to be be right next to a mobile home park.