Brian Stertz
Yeah Darin that was pretty incredible video Jon shared....I'll put that one in my top 5. For an alleged F2 that tornado had some serious violence to it....and probably was a bit under-rated.
Earl Evans, Andover 91
Crazy Farmer - Columbus, Nebraska ... that video has it all ... great motions in the tornado, every phase (the rope is great), and the most spectacular narration you could ever hope to hear.
Crazy Farmer - Columbus, Nebraska ... that video has it all ... great motions in the tornado, every phase (the rope is great), and the most spectacular narration you could ever hope to hear.
Jon and Carstens video was great! I guess no one had mentioned my April 15th 2006.. It was kinda week compared to Jon and Carstens video or even Reeds on May 4th. i guess I need some luck and to get out in front of some of those storms next season ( 2008 ) so I can get me some more unforgettable footage.
Stemming over from the Andover thread, John Olexa mentioned the May, 1981 Cordell rope was his all time favorite tornado video. That sparked me to ask you all what your all time favorite tornado video is?