You know you're a storm chaser when...


Dec 17, 2005
Chicago, IL
Your bladder has expanded to the size of a Hummer.

You have more lights on your car than any emergency vehicle.

You've forgotten what it's like to eat a meal slowly.

You have more radios in your car than any police dispatch office.

Your favorite hallucinogen is exhaustion.

You think caffeine should be available in IV form.

You know when each SPC convective outlook comes out.

The TV in the vehicle is showing radar, instead of playing something to
keep the kids quiet.

You can sleep through your alarm, but when the EAS chirps go off on a
weather radio, you can hear it a block away.

You have more weather instruments on your vehicle than on an AWOS.

You know what GRLevelX is.

You've memorized every good restaurant, speed trap, Wi-Fi hot spot, and
bad road south of I-80 and along/west of I-35 to the foothills.

You say "hose" and aren't referring to a water conveyor for your garden,
or a nasty name for women.

Your favorite cities are known by 4 letter codes, such as KAMA.

You own colored pencils.

You decide beforehand how the speeding tickets will be handled.

You read the name of who wrote the day 1 convective outlook BEFORE
you even read the body of it.

You can pee in under 30 seconds...and can hold it for 7 hours.
The sound of EAS alerts get your adrenaline pumping more than a roller coaster.

You look for rotation in smokestacks in the winter.

You yell "CG" when someone flashes a camera at you.
...when you change your oil every week from April through July.

...when you can't see the floorboards for all the empty chip bags and burger wrappers.

...when people call you 'Thunderhead' instead of 'Scooter' like they did 25 years ago.

...when your honeymoon for that June wedding is in Wichita, Kansas.

...when you have more pictures of clouds than you do of your kids.

...when you saw Twister and rooted for the F-5's.

...when you can sleep for 8 hours straight sitting upright.

...when you would rather watch The Weather Channel than the Playboy Channel.

...when you make your home page.

...when you can't remember your anniversary but can recall with perfect clarity what happened in Waco, Texas on May 11, 1953.

...when you spend more for gas annually than you do for food.

...when small towns offer you a season quote on speeding tickets.

...when you make disparaging remarks about how puny that tornado is that is less than 400 yards away.

...when your idea of a social life is as illustrated below (not my photo)


  • BigTwister1.jpg
    12.8 KB · Views: 416've forgotten Memorial Day is a National Holiday even if there aren't tornadoes
When you see a tennis ball or a golf ball, the first thing you think of is hail size.

Social calendar: completely bent around the storm season.

Time knows no meaning. 3am comes and goes.

In the middle of a shoot, when something large and furry lands on your arm, no big deal, you brush it off and keep shooting.

Sand in your nose…a familiar sensation.

You roll the windows down in Groom because feeling the dryline is weather-weenie fun.

You really are trying to find the mothership.
Oh man, there are some really hilarious notes!

Here are some that got me guilthy:D

- when you get excited just by the flat area even there is no single cloud around.
- when you forgot to have any meal and it becomes the last thing you think about.
- when you have such SDS, that you start chasing during winter.
- when waking up in the middle of the night is no big problem anymore.
- when you get your skin burned in April.
- when you get excited about the daylight saving when the extra hour of heating comes.

Ok, I was freakin' kidding about the last one.
(1) When NOAA or other websites are constantly your friend and at your fingertips
(2) When your cameras and videorecorders are constantly charged in the trunk and ready to use
(3) storm, hails, tornadoes and foreboding weather are your friends
(4) when you tell your mate, friend etc that you are going to chase and they say "OK have a good time- see ya when you get back"
(5) when wifi and other places are one of your local targets
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Good day,

You guys got some good ones!

I am nit sure if this was used yet...

When you save all your sick time and vacation days for chasing and take non-chasing vacations on weekends or holidays away from chase season so you don't "use up" your "chase dedicated time"!
- you remember each and every hail dent and the fond? memory of that day.
- someone asks you what the time is and you always respond in Zulu
- when you're lost in a city on a stormy night and need only the wind on Old Glory to point your way
- the first storm of the year happens and you go out "just to get your car wet"
- Severe Weather Preparedness Week is comparable to Mardi Gras, opening week of baseball, etc.