XM Radio/WxWorx/Mobile Threat Net questions

Dec 26, 2004
Booneville, KY
OK, let me begin by saying that I have never used any of these things to date. Nor am I interested in purchasing this gear as of right now. But I do have some questions concerning this gear/programs, as I may have some future interest in them. I have also noticed that there's considerable confusion regarding these items, so I hope this thread will develop into something that will have the answers to the most common XM/WxWorx/Mobile Threat Net questions all roled into one topic.

Question 1: In order to use Wx Worx, you must have an XM radio and a subscription. Correct?

Question 2: How much is the cost of the XM gear and subscription (monthly or annually)?

Question 3: How much is the Wx Worx subscription monthly and/or annuallly and is there any additional equipment needed? If so, how much does this cost?

Question 4: What is Mobile Threat Net? Is this a part of the Wx Worx package or is it something additional that must be bought? If so, how much does it cost? And is there additional equipment?

Question 5: How does this stuff operate? Does it have it's own receiver or does it display on your laptop?

Question 6: What exactly will this equipment/software allow you to access?

Ok, I think those seem to be the key areas that most people are interested in or are confused about. If you folks could chip in and answer these questions, I think we'd have a fairly nice little FAQ here regarding these services. Plus, I'll get to learn a great deal about something which I so far barely have a clue.

So, can anyone answer to any (or all) of these questions? I look forward to reading the responses.


Question 1: In order to use Wx Worx, you must have an XM radio and a subscription. Correct?

No, it is a separate system from your standard XM radio. The both can use the same puck antenna however.

Question 2: How much is the cost of the XM gear and subscription (monthly or annually)?

Hardware costs including the GPS option are from $1000 - $1500 depending on any deals being offered from distributors. Monthly subscription is $100 for the Responder (Mobile Threat Net) service. There is a one time $100 activation fee.

Question 3: How much is the Wx Worx subscription monthly and/or annuallly and is there any additional equipment needed? If so, how much does this cost?

See #2

Question 4: What is Mobile Threat Net? Is this a part of the Wx Worx package or is it something additional that must be bought? If so, how much does it cost? And is there additional equipment?

Mobile Threat Net is the ground package, as opposed to the Marine and Aviation packages.

Question 5: How does this stuff operate? Does it have it's own receiver or does it display on your laptop?

It runs on your laptop through a USB port, the GPS uses an additional USB port.

Question 6: What exactly will this equipment/software allow you to access?

It pushes data to your laptop as opposed to you 'accessing data'. It shows a map of the continental US and allows you to zoom in/out or have the map follow your GPS location on the screen. On this map you can see:
-Smoothed composite radar
-Echo tops
-Wind streamlines
-SKITS (shear and severe 15 minute projected paths)
-Radar coverage area
Question 1: In order to use Wx Worx, you must have an XM radio and a subscription. Correct?
You do not need an XM radio. The receiver IS an xm receiver.
Question 2: How much is the cost of the XM gear and subscription (monthly or annually)?
The gear can cost up to $1500 depending on where you buy it. I got mine at an introductory rate of just under $900. Subscription rates range from $50 to $100/month
Question 3: How much is the Wx Worx subscription monthly and/or annuallly and is there any additional equipment needed? If so, how much does this cost?
You will need a laptop in addition to the receiver.
Question 4: What is Mobile Threat Net? Is this a part of the Wx Worx package or is it something additional that must be bought? If so, how much does it cost? And is there additional equipment?
This is the Ground version. There are three versions: Aviation, Maritime, and Ground. All have only slightly different products available.
Question 5: How does this stuff operate? Does it have it's own receiver or does it display on your laptop?
It has a receiver that is about the size of a portable cd player. It plugs into a laptops USB port.
Question 6: What exactly will this equipment/software allow you to access?

* Doppler Radar (High-resolution NEXRAD Radar for the entire continental U.S.- updated every 5 minutes)(This is from their website. I would not call it high res radar)
* Operational NEXRAD Radar Status
* Rain, snow and mixed precipitation at the surface
* Significant weather threats (Storm Cell Identification and Tracking) with 15-minute storm path projection
* Surface observations
* County Warnings
* Lightning
* Weather maps with surface analysis (high and low pressure centers and frontal systems with current and forecasted data out to 48 hours)
* Storm Tops
* Winds at the Surface and Winds Aloft to 42,000 ft
* Sea surface state information
o Waves
o Sea Temperature
o Buoy data
* Hurricane Track with Hurricane, Tropical Storm and Tropical Depression Tracking
* Areas of limited visibility
* Wind Shear Detection with gate-to-gate shear denoting the most Dangerous Twisting of the Winds

Here is a demo showing some of the features:
I have a question...

Is the basic hardware for the aviation the same as the ground, and the only difference is in the software or what?

I found an avaiation setup that the hardware looks EXACTLY like the ground setup for less than $900.
I think that is the biggest confusion over the system. I think they are the same. They may have one setting in them that makes them only work with selected packages.
Has anybody tried getting ground service on an aviation receiver?
Thanks guys for clearing that up. Being an XM isn't required to use Wx Worx, that certainly makes it a bit more attractive. And it sounds like there's not as much gear needed as I previously thought.

Thanks a lot Verne and Charles. Those were excellent and highly detailed answers. I may look into this program for use from an emergency services standpoint ( I am the chief of a small, rural fire department) and from a spotting standpoint. It would be interesting to have this sort of data on the go, even if I don't get to make it out to the Plains anytime soon. That would be especially true if you can subscribe on a monthly basis and not be required to maintain a yearly subscription. I can see how this program would be beneficial in a variety of applications.

Thanks again for those excellent answers!

Can somebody tell me who to contact for activating a Threatnet unit? I bought one from another chaser last year used it for a while on his subscription, but then we agreed he would cancel. I'm considering resubscribing in March. Call XM?

Thanks in advance.

Originally posted by Amos Magliocco
Can somebody tell me who to contact for activating a Threatnet unit? I bought one from another chaser last year used it for a while on his subscription, but then we agreed he would cancel. I'm considering resubscribing in March. Call XM?

Thanks in advance.


Amos, I googled this information


Looks like you call BRG @ 843-237-7226 and once you get that end of the things taken care you call XM @ 1-800-985-9200 and select the package you desire.
Call XM Listener Care at (800) 985-9200. Have your Radio ID that's on your receiver available because they will ask for it.
Mobile Threat Net System

Is there anyone here in the Dallas area who currently has or distributes a system who I could meet with and visually see how it works, ask questions, etc.
Feel free to reply either here, or via private email, whichever is appropriate for this site..