Beau, I think you are confusing a couple things here. Getting street level mapping has nothing to do with the XM weather service you receive. It only has to do with the hardware you purchase and the software that comes with it.
The monthly plan you subscribe to only deals with the weather data you receive (radar, shear, satellite, lightning). The monthly subscription services have nothing to do with GPS or street level mapping.
So even if you could purchase an aviation system and subscribe to the $99 ground monthly service you would NOT have street level mapping. As I posted earlier you ONLY get GPS and premium mapping with the mobile threat net ground hardware system.
The monthly plan you subscribe to only deals with the weather data you receive (radar, shear, satellite, lightning). The monthly subscription services have nothing to do with GPS or street level mapping.
So even if you could purchase an aviation system and subscribe to the $99 ground monthly service you would NOT have street level mapping. As I posted earlier you ONLY get GPS and premium mapping with the mobile threat net ground hardware system.