XM Question...Ground Receiver and the AVIATION package

Feb 8, 2005
Metropolis, Illinois
I know someone asked this before but I don't think there was a clear answer.

Can I purchased the GROUND equipment and then subscribe to the aviation package for $49.99 a month?

This is the ground equipment that one would purchase

BUT can I subscribe to this 49.99 package and STILL get the high resolution maps?

This package

OR is the AVIATION equipment different for airplanes?

Any help would be appreciated on this question.


Yep You can. I just did it. I got the master mariner plan. Everything but shear and cloud tops. Much better deal.

Doug Raflik
[email protected]

The Master Mariner does look good.

At what point do you add the option for the street level mapping? Is that through a program that barron gives you or is that something you have to purchase sep?

Thanks again...I think the M. Mariner does look better than the aviation. I was concerned about the hardware question.
I did note on this page

It says

Mobile Threat Net Premium
Price includes Mobile Threat Net Base Software, mapping upgrade to include topography and GPS connectivity, portable receiver, portable antenna, power cords (DC and AC), and a USB cable.

But the Mobile Threat Net base Software would only be for the ground subscriptions? No? The hardware for the aviation set is a bit different I guess?

If I order the ground hardware the software that is used for that can also be used for aviation?

Am I understanding that corrently?

Doug Raflik Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:02 am Post subject:


Yep You can. I just did it. I got the master mariner plan. Everything but shear and cloud tops. Much better deal.

Doug Raflik
[email protected]

Now when you say you don't get the shear product, does that mean it does not show the "Doppler Donuts" on the radar, or do you just not recieve the shear map. As far as cloud tops go do you still recieve satellite maps.
Jason I believe you dont get the donut shear gate to gate markers with the Medium packages such as the master mariner or the other 50$ services. i mean you dont need them but with the smoothing they have for the radar the donuts do help big time. It was pretty cool to see four areas of strong rotation in the MESO and four dounuts indicating those areas on June 12th 2004. But then again they have changed there prices for the whole WX WORX reciever so eveything might of changed.
Doug Raflik Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:02 am Post subject:


Doug Raflik
[email protected]

Now when you say you don't get the shear product, does that mean it does not show the "Doppler Donuts" on the radar, or do you just not recieve the shear map. As far as cloud tops go do you still recieve satellite maps.

You still get satellite maps. I do not get the spinning wheels. And no shear map. (dont know what that is) I dont think the spinning wheels are worth an extra $50.
Barron is telling me on the phone that if you purchase a GROUND HARDWARE system and you order the Mariner Package then you will NOT be able to use the system.

They are telling me on the phone that the MARINER subscription package will NOT work with the ground hardware. They are saying you WILL NOT have the street level mapping and everything.

Any comments...
Doug Raflik Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:02 am Post subject:


Doug Raflik
[email protected]

Now when you say you don't get the shear product, does that mean it does not show the "Doppler Donuts" on the radar, or do you just not recieve the shear map. As far as cloud tops go do you still recieve satellite maps.

You still get satellite maps. I do not get the spinning wheels. And no shear map. (dont know what that is) I dont think the spinning wheels are worth an extra $50.

Yes, you do get the "donut" markers with the Master Mariner plan.
There are 2 different things to determine here.

Hardware - get the Mobile Threat Net unit. It is the only one you can get GPS and premium mapping. It runs the Ground software. So anytime you update to a new version, you will need to install the updates for the Ground package (no matter what monthly service you are subscribed to).

Monthly Service - as far as I know, you can subscribe to the Ground or any Marine plan (I do not know about the Aviation plans). When I purchased my unit the rep acutally suggested starting with the Master Mariner plan and if I wanted the additional functionality upgrading to the ground plan later.

One note about "premium mapping". Don't expect the level of mapping you get with Street Atlas or other mapping software. It's not that detailed and you will have to click on roads to see what they are.

The above information is based on my experience only. :wink:
I guess my bottom line question is

Is there ANYONE among us that has purchased a GROUND receiver and is CURRENTLY using a aviation or mariner package?

I believe I was being lied to today by the people that sell this product. I say that because of HOW they answered my questions. It does not reflect very well on this company if they LIED to me.

Others within this forum have SUGGESTED that you can purchase a GROUND receiver and then subscribe to AVIATION or MARINER packages.

I am not the first person to ask this question within this forum. Nobody has ever answered the basic question. I don't know why. :)

Is it true or not? Can a person purchase the ground hardware and then subscribe to the aviation and or marine package and still get street level info? I know of at least two other people who have asked but have never been answered.

I guess this should be answered by someone who has done it? Is there a chaser among us who has done what I have asked?

Thanks for your input...

There are 2 different things to determine here.

Hardware - get the Mobile Threat Net unit. It is the only one you can get GPS and premium mapping. It runs the Ground software. So anytime you update to a new version, you will need to install the updates for the Ground package (no matter what monthly service you are subscribed to).

Monthly Service - as far as I know, you can subscribe to the Ground or any Marine plan (I do not know about the Aviation plans). When I purchased my unit the rep acutally suggested starting with the Master Mariner plan and if I wanted the additional functionality upgrading to the ground plan later.

One note about "premium mapping". Don't expect the level of mapping you get with Street Atlas or other mapping software. It's not that detailed and you will have to click on roads to see what they are.

The above information is based on my experience only. :wink:

Hey there

Yeah the guy told me if does not cover all the streets. That would prob be more true around my rural area...than say Atlanta. As long as I can get street mapping with a MARINE package then I would be fine with it.

That is my basic question...

They do not make it easy on the consumer. $$$
I guess my bottom line question is

Is there ANYONE among us that has purchased a GROUND receiver and is CURRENTLY using a aviation or mariner package?

Doug answered your question.

Yep You can. I just did it. I got the master mariner plan. Everything but shear and cloud tops. Much better deal.

Doug Raflik
[email protected]

If by Dougs answer you can assume tha the gets street level mapping then that answers my question :)