WxWorx - New website, new price

Feb 25, 2004
WxWorx has a new website and it looks like they are trying to consolidate and make things easier. For example, now if you go to www.mobilethreatnet.com, it will send you back to www.wxworx.com. They have added a new forum too, but there's not much posted yet.

They have also dropped the price of the Ground receiver...$929 now. This includes premium mapping, GPS support, etc.

A software patch was released in February, so the latest version is 1.31a.

Thought some of you might be interested, especially in the price drop, if you are on the fence about purchasing.
Oh YES YES YES, this is great news! I got about a grand coming on my share of the tax refund and was going to save it to get one, since I thought I wouldn't find one for less than $1500.....now I can get one! SWEET! <doing a little happy dance!> :D
I just noted that when you go through a checkout and customize the order, you can take of the premium mapping and it will deduct another $250!!
Originally posted by David Drummond
Oh YES YES YES, this is great news! I got about a grand coming on my share of the tax refund and was going to save it to get one, since I thought I wouldn't find one for less than $1500.....now I can get one! SWEET! <doing a little happy dance!> :D

LOL!! Now hope Gayla keeps her end of the bargain. :lol:
But seriously, that news couldn't have come at a better time for alot of people.
Can anyone that has one of these tell me how much better it is WITH the mapping (or worse without it). We already use Delorme, I am just trying to weigh if it's worth the extra $250
Originally posted by David Drummond
Can anyone that has one of these tell me how much better it is WITH the mapping (or worse without it). We already use Delorme, I am just trying to weigh if it's worth the extra $250

I haven't seen it without the premium mapping, but from what I have heard I think you want it. I've heard it's hard to get your bearings as to where the storms are without the mapping.

Even with the premium mapping, it lacks a bit. You will still want to use Street Atlas. I plan on using both with GPS, using Serial Splitter software.
Yeah I just downloaded the user manual and was looking and I guess the background is rather plain without any reference points without the mapping.

I don't mind the monthly so much, but I wish they would get rid of that stupid $100 activation fee. Seems way to steep for someone to make a few clicks on their computer to tell the satellite to activate your system.
I subscribe to the Master Mariner plan, $49 a month with only a $50 activation fee. From what I can tell, I get pretty much everything the Responder (Ground) plan has except Echo Tops and Shear.
Originally posted by Sheila_Ward
I subscribe to the Master Mariner plan, $49 a month with only a $50 activation fee. From what I can tell, I get pretty much everything the Responder (Ground) plan has except Echo Tops and Shear.

Hmmm, I wonder if you activate on that plan and then call and tell them to upgrade the plan if they would charge you another activation fee?

Is the only difference those two attributes? I can live without the echo tops, but I would like to have the shear.

Have you had any problems running Street Atlas simultaniously with WXWORX?
Originally posted by David Drummond+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(David Drummond)</div>
I subscribe to the Master Mariner plan, $49 a month with only a $50 activation fee. From what I can tell, I get pretty much everything the Responder (Ground) plan has except Echo Tops and Shear.

Hmmm, I wonder if you activate on that plan and then call and tell them to upgrade the plan if they would charge you another activation fee?

Is the only difference those two attributes? I can live without the echo tops, but I would like to have the shear.

Have you had any problems running Street Atlas simultaniously with WXWORX?[/b]

Not sure about the activation fee. I have heard that you can switch your plans once your subscribed without an additional activation fee...but I don't know if that includes moving from a lower plan to a higher cost plan.

I did the plan comparison a few months ago, something might of changed.
Here's the marine plan: http://www.wxworx.com/marine/service_pricing.php
Here's the ground plan: http://www.wxworx.com/ground/service_pricing.php

I decided to save $50 a month and go with the Marine plan. If I need to, I can upgrade to the Ground plan.

I've only had XM a couple months. I went on a trial chase in Feb. (bust) and had no problems running Street Atlas and WxWorx at the same time. I had GPS running on both.
Hmmm, I wonder if you activate on that plan and then call and tell them to upgrade the plan if they would charge you another activation fee?

Is the only difference those two attributes? I can live without the echo tops, but I would like to have the shear.

Have you had any problems running Street Atlas simultaneously with WXWORX?

When I activated my system I asked if I would be allowed to move from one plan to another without having to pay another activation fee. The person helping me said that I would never have to pay another activation as long as I didn't cancel my subscription. However, when I activated I bought the responder package so I could see everything that it could do. I did not specifically ask about whether I would have to pay any additional activation fees if I initially bought a lower plan and later wished to move to a higher plan.

As for the mapping, it is my understanding that the basic does not include GPS support. Secondly there is a button to turn off the premium mapping and the basic is just that 'basic'.

It took a little work but I was able to successfully get my delorme earthmate to work with Mobile threat net and Topo 4.0 simultaneously. I followed these instructions that were posted by Bobby Eddins, Thank you Bobby, and I was successful.

First I upgraded to Threatnet v1.2
Second I downloaded DeLorme's USB to Serial driver being careful to update Windows XP serial driver per the instructions at Delorme's site.

This got the GPS working with WxWorx.

Then to get both working I installed the Virtual Serial Splitter from
which allowed me to run both.

Be sure to plug in the GPS before setting up the virtual ports which have to connect to whatever port it hooks up to.

Now for something to test it out on here in Texas
Bobby Eddins
2004 DVD

Hope this helps, and I would definitely recommend the premium mapping if you can swallow the $250 price tag.
Well its nice to see the price drop to bad it wasnt like that in September of 2004. The premium is a good go. Sheila do you get SCIT markers with the Marine package as far as i know you dont but correct me if im wrong.
Well its nice to see the price drop to bad it wasnt like that in September of 2004. The premium is a good go. Sheila do you get SCIT markers with the Marine package as far as i know you dont but correct me if im wrong.

Yes, SCIT markers come with the Master Mariner plan.

I was wondering if anyone has successfully gotten Wxworks to work on a Apple laptop wiith virtual PC installed.

Another question, if I got this system, would the premium mapping be sufficent or should I get something like Street Atlus instead.?

