The NEW Stormtrack Website: A Novice Beta Tester's Review

Shane Adams

I should start by saying I've never been a beta tester before with anything, so my first experience has been/is a bit daunting, because I'm not very tech-savvy. However, I'm quite excited by what I've seen/experienced thus far on the new website, and I wanted to share my opinion on some of the things ST members can expect in the future.

I'll start with what I know, which is simply the user experience. The very first thing that jumped at me regarding the new site is, it's really not much different from the current ST forum as far as aesthetics and basic navigation. The biggest difference on first glance is there are MANY new features. The new chatroom will function basically the same as the current one, but is fully-integrated into the forum itself, for a more complete experience, as well as providing far more chatroom visibility.....which might entice more members to use it. Text styles/colors can be customized, and pics can be posted as well. Also, a cool "vanity" feature is each member's profile avatar is displayed in front of every text line. Cool beans.

One of my favorite new items is the Hashtag feature. No more spending forever digging through the current REPORTS/etc etc threads on TA trying to find a particular date or event, or a post from a paticular member. The new Stormtrack website will feature full-on Twitter style hashtagging, which can be used by members within any ST forum post. These hashtags will serve as automatic search engines, as the 25-most recent hashtags used on ST will appear (linked directly to the post they appeared in) when you click on "Hashtag" on the main page menu. This will (1) create an easy search process because users can simply search for direct hashtag words regarding whatever content they're seeking, and (2) will be a brilliant way for ST members to self-promote either themselves or products within the forum.

The "thumbs up/down" feature makes a triumphant return, and will be part of a new system that's designed to allow ST members to build "reputation" points with the community, by allowing members to "like" a post based on whether they find it informative or simply quality entertainment. The plan with the new system is to discourage in-conversation fights/flame wars (which I have been guilty of more times than I care to count) by allowing users to simply, anonymously tag/report/thumbs down a post. Each good or bad check on a post either gives or takes away a reputation point. You get the idea; post quality stuff and contribute, you'll earn forum "cred" which translates into a lot of noise and you'll earn a reputation as someone to avoid reading. Some may view this as "tattle tale" but in the grand scheme of trying to maintain order without being too moderation-heavy, it's a brilliant tool.

There are sooo many other cools things that I haven't even touched on. There are other beta testers involved, so I'll stop here and let those folks pick up with other areas of the new website. Suffice to say, I think people will dig it. The Owner/Admins have been putting a ton of work into this, and now that I've seen and experienced some of the fruit of that labor, I have a new appreciation for what they're doing. ST members, it's a fun and exciting time. The future looks cool :cool:
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First of all, I'm not tech savvy or a very good writer, so bear with me. Also, like Shane, this Is my first beta test ever, on anything.

After beta testing for a couple of days, I can say that new and improved StormTrack is awesome! As Shane said, the layout and navigation is similar to the current forum, but it stops there! There are many new features that Shane has already pointed out, but here are a few details that I have noticed:

An "update your status" section on the right side of the forum. Basically just a status like on FB without creating a thread or anything else. Something like......"I think today will be a High Risk!" Also, you can see status updates from other users as well.

"Members online now" shows their avatars and if you hover over the avatar with your mouse, it will show their name. Also, if you choose to follow a member, their avatar will be shown under "People You Follow"

Also, I have heard that the Target Area game will be back! Not sure when, but it's being mentioned!!!

Hover over your avatar/profile in the top right section and you get these choices:

Personal Details, Signature, Contact Details, Privacy, Preferences, Alert Preferences, Avatar, Password, My Ads, Show Online Status, Your New Feed, Conversations, Alerts, Ratings Received, Ratings Given, Your Content, People you Follow, People you Ignore, Account upgrades, Logout.

So, there are a lot of things you can do simply by hovering your mouse over your profile settings.

You can also upload a photo album if you wish.

You'll be able to share content to Facebook, Twitter, and Google+

Putting an ad on ST is easy and cheaper than ever. This helps the little guy with a DVD, etc... advertise without having to spend a LOT of money.

A lot of the stickies from the current board will be incorporated into the new board for quick reference

I'll stop here and let others chime in that can do a much better job than I've done here. All in all, the new Stormtrack is going to be very exciting!!!
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I can't remember if it's been mentioned already, but real names or variations of real names will be used for the purpose of responsibility/accountability. If I remember correctly, the variation is to give the member some privacy if they don't want to use their entire name. If any of this is inaccurate, I will correct it as soon as I can.

Jason Boggs
J. Boggs
Jason B.
I'm helping with adding a ton of links to the Chaser Education section of the new site. Lots an lots of great info will be available when it goes live!!!
All sounds good. I kinda hoped to keep my Stormitecture name versus personal name, but minor. I could see allowing them if and only if they were legit business names (provide proof of register business). But then again this isn't a site about business (mostly) so why I don't really sweat it.

I think these improvements will pull people back to Stormtrack, and that's good. Like a few other forums, it may just do well despite the social media pressures.