WxWork Announcing Software Changes...

Thanks for the updates Tony! Looks like good news and bad news. The good news is that the updates are what we all have been waiting for. The bad news being you have to have the $99/month Responder package to get those new features. Like most chasers, I only use the $50/month Master Mariner plan during chase season, as it has everything but the shear 'blob' product.

Personally, I'm afraid I can't justify an extra $50/month just to get SPC products via Threat Net. If I had funds in my chase budget to earmark for that, I think it would be better spent on a cellular data plan that would achieve the same results. In the meantime, WIFI is still going to be the better way to get that information. SPC outlooks are normally 'pre-chase' details that are not as time-critical as radar is when you are in the final intercept stage of a chase. By then you should already be in the target anyway.

Nonetheless, I applaud Baron for taking the time to listen to input from chasers in the development of these new features. Hopefully they may allow just one or two of those new features to be added to the Master Mariner plan.
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LATER UPDATE: I talked to Jeff and he informed me that stuff is subject to change. This is all being worked out in terms of what packages, etc. Something to keep in mind. Stay tuned to WX's website for all the latest information!!
Since I always get the high end package, I am actually glad to see I am at least going to be getting a little more for my money every month. Now if we could just get base reflectivites and velocities!
I wouldnt mind an extra charge for the SPC stuff added onto the marine package instead of upgrading all the way to the Responder package. Hopefully they will offer it on all packages. I would pay the big price if they also increased radar levels to more than 7 colors maxing out at 55dbz. I know.. I know..bandwidth..

But this does show they listen to chasers about what would make it a better tool.
If you are a pretty new chaser I could see that as being a great add on. If you are a "seasoned" chaser I think it is pretty useless.
If you are a pretty new chaser I could see that as being a great add on. If you are a "seasoned" chaser I think it is pretty useless.

I dont think the outlooks themselves will be that important to the vets but the meso discussions will help some. There are times out in the field we are without data and things can change rapidly so being able to read the MSD's should just add to our information. Watches will also be nice.

But I do agree the Day 1 outlooks and the indecies such as tornado/hail will help the newer chasers.

I really wish we could get the mesoalanysis maps also but thats asking for the moon. :)
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So for those who went to Denver this weekend, what was all the hype about? I assume someone affiliated with Baron talked about these new upgrades?

Here is what I learned:
  • Day One text and graphics
  • Wind threat with stepped areas of probability
  • Hail threat with stepped areas of probability
  • Tornado threat with stepped areas of probability
  • Mesoscale Discussions
  • Tornado and severe thunderstorm watchboxes with text
Other things that were mentioned was Canadian radar and surface obs.

I was told "around 30 days".

If that were true, then the timing would be perfect for most chasers.

I agree with the others, not really worth the extra $50 for stuff we get from other sources anyway such as cell, wifi, NOAA Radio. SRM would be a nice but radar resolution quality is so low it probably wouldn't add a lot.
I attended the conference and was very excited about the changes at first. Then I realized I would have to go from the $49 plan to the $99 plan and started to weigh my options. I usually have internet access most of the time to view the SPC products, but it sure would be nice if you had no internet. I am not sure what I will do, but will probably download the software changes for now and wait on upgrading. I may change my mind later though.
