On the topic of prediction for this year ... maybe it would be better to say speculation for this year ... I'm hoping for another active season in Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and and NW Missouri ... global warming certainly seems to be altering things in this department, though I do not doubt that Texas and Oklahoma will again see a fair share ... south-central Kansas has seemed to just become a major player these days and I plan to go there as much as possible this season. Hello Wichita! Will also be playing my normal stomping grounds around Chester, Nebraska and Concordia, Kansas I'm sure ... they are favorites that I return to year after year.
On the topic of ratings, I kind of doubt that Liberty would have been rated anything higher than F3-F4. The Carriage Hills subdivision in Gladstone experienced the most intense damage during that event, and though it was mind-blowing, it did not come close to wiping foundations clean like we saw in events like Jarrell, TX or Moore, OK. I would think the debate was probably over whether to rate F3 or F4 rather than F4/F5, but I really don't know.
Seems like most debate by chasers along the lines of rating different events is an exercise in futility - - - it's fun to guestimate, but there are a lot of factors that the teams take into consideration that chasers fail to. I'm not saying that mistakes aren't made, because this is hardly an exact science and is highly subjective ... but I tend to just let the results fall where they may ...