Wordpress Help

Jun 24, 2004
Help! I’ve killed my site www.pdswatch.com

I was uploading image files for a link via ftp, and after I edited the link and refreshed, it was blank. My site is setup in Wordpress. I’m hoping some one knows a little about this. Can I reinstall Wordpress over my current installation? Would that overwrite my Blog entries? I can redo most everything (don’t want to), but I don’t want to lose my content.

Kurt, all of your blog entries are kept in the mysql database on your site for word press. Retrieve a backup of that through your control panel before you do anything else so you don't loose them. I don't know much about wordpress beyond that, maybe someone else knows what you accidentally did, but I do know saving the backup of the mysql will save your entries. Then you have nothing really to lose other than any customizations you did. I would THINK it should pick up whatever was in the database, so long as you used all the same settings etc.
Well I screwed around most of the night and again this morning and finally have most of my site back in operation. I still need to tweak my gallery and forecast pages, but that is minor (ya right). Anyway thanks for the tip on the DB David. Once I backed that and my public_html folder up I was free to slice and dice as I wanted, and then copied the old files back in as I needed them. It’s a good lesson to all; BACKUP your site frequently! I know I’ll do it for at least a week, and then slide back into my old habits. Anyway if anybody needs help with Wordpress, I know enough to be dangerous now.