Wireless Card Problems

Dan Cook

Dec 12, 2003
Lombard, IL
I'm running a Wifi network off my broadband here and until recently all was well. I'm using a Dlink Di-540 router and while that's working fine, the card in my laptop isn't working right.

I've got an Inspiron 9300 with an onboard Intel card. I used to connect to the network through that alright, but tonight for some reason it refuses to see my Wifi network. I've rebooted the router multiple times and I know it is up because I'm currently connected to it through an old PCMCIA wireless card, so I know it's not the router.

I'm not sure what's wrong with the onboard card; I've updated the drivers and that didn't fix it. It's not displaying any errors or anything.

Any wonder what might be the problem?
Hi Dan,

One extremely obvious possibility is a "wireless switch". I don't know if the Inspiron even has one, but my Sony Vaio does.

Shortly after I got it, the internal wireless card "quit working". I messed with it for a while, and then took it to our SysAdmin. We both continued to tinker and toggle settings in 'Device Manager' for about 90 minutes.

Then, he noticed the switch on the front and said:
"What about this 'wireless' switch?" and turned the switch to the on position. Suddenly, I had wireless again. Probably not something this obvious, but thought I'd throw it out there.

Good luck,
Holy crap you're awsome. I totally forgot I had disabled it from connecting on my keyboard shortcut. I works now. :lol:

Where is that switch located on the keyboard. I have the exact same laptop and have apparently done it on mine. I haven't a clue how to get it working. TIA.

Where is that switch located on the keyboard. I have the exact same laptop and have apparently done it on mine. I haven't a clue how to get it working. TIA.

sent ya a pm
And I've got another problem. <_<

I'm getting a "limited or no connectivity" message since this morning. My sister's laptop is able to connect fine as is the main pc.