Wilson Electronics Sleek?

Mar 23, 2007
Hey Everyone,

I know there is a thread on boosters and has some post on the Wilson Sleek but I am wanting to hear from anyone who has used it chasing in the worst reception areas.

Does it give you good data speeds in theses areas?

Does it keep you connect in any area?

Any major problems with the Sleek like resetting it or it over heating?

I'd love feed back. I can't afford the maximum signal stuff, poor college student. lol
Wilson Electronics Sleek

Hey Michael,
I came across your post and just wanted to let you know that the Sleek works great for storm tracking. I work for Wilson Electronics so I am obviously a bit biased, but from what I have heard from those that use the Sleek for this purpose, the Sleek greatly improves their data speeds and keeps them connected in the "bad" spots. I have not heard of a Sleek having problems with overheating or resetting, but obviously I am not aware of every situation. If you want to read some consumer reviews, I would check out amazon.com (if you haven't already). Also, we do have a Facebook page (www.facebook.com/WilsonCellular) and you could always post a comment on there as I know we have other storm trackers that frequent that page. Hope that helps!
Hey Michael,
I came across your post and just wanted to let you know that the Sleek works great for storm tracking. I work for Wilson Electronics so I am obviously a bit biased, but from what I have heard from those that use the Sleek for this purpose, the Sleek greatly improves their data speeds and keeps them connected in the "bad" spots. I have not heard of a Sleek having problems with overheating or resetting, but obviously I am not aware of every situation. If you want to read some consumer reviews, I would check out amazon.com (if you haven't already). Also, we do have a Facebook page (www.facebook.com/WilsonCellular) and you could always post a comment on there as I know we have other storm trackers that frequent that page. Hope that helps!

Could you advice me on a booster for verizon data card?
I have used a friends Sleek made by Wilson and comapred it to the maximum Signal direct connect amp and even the wireless amps and for your needs this is the route I would go


The sleek showed 5 bars but when we went to use it we had NO SERVICE. A lot of the Wilson products does this. Gives you a false sense of security when you look at how many bars of service it shows but then you can't even connect. I have tried at least 4 or 5 other amplifiers as well from the DA4000 to the typical Wilson amp hanging in trucks stops and they work great for foot warmers but other than that don't waste your money. Its like throwing your cash out the window. I have been using the Maximum Signal and Cyfre amps since finding their website and not only are they great products but the service you get is outstanding. Most everything ships the same day and you will generally have it in 2 days. And he stands behind what he sells and knows his product line inside and out.

Chris Caldwell
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