WiFi Access

One of the major companies whom I've paid for Wifi before I logged on in Newton, KS without having to pay... not sure which one it was, though... whichever is the Truckstop on the east side of the interstate at the northern most exit.
Regarding the hyperlinc antenna - I can see why it blows off - the tiny lil base was not meant for rooftop use - but unless someone else has a better idea then I might get it anyway.

Question: was the antenna included TOTALLY inept for drive by use?
Question: since it is directional do you mount it in a right / left adjusted position to get drive by signal?

Magnet: I'm gonna cut apart a CB antenna base (in stock) and use its 4" base if I cant locate a better idea soon!

The antenna is fine for residential war-driving or for actual connectivity use. But when you get going > 60 mph, you cant put it on the roof. I've been tucking it behind my seat until I can find a solution.

The antenna is actually omni directional, so it picks up signals on all sides.

The CB idea is not a bad one, if you can make it smooth on both sides, If it has the nub or something on it, it won't sit on there right.

Update; Chased in sw IA yesterday and again I had no problems finding wifi in any town over ~ 1200 in population. I have been very satisfied so far. The only thing I would like to change is to dump my built-in antenna and get a better external one. This would save some cruising time while in towns. Yesterday while filling up I couldn’t pick up a signal, but as soon as drove across the street bingo! Does anybody know if is possible to disconnect a built in antenna?
Originally posted by Kurt Silvey
Does anybody know if is possible to disconnect a built in antenna?

The best thing to do is to get a PCMCIA WIFI card and external antenna, then just disable your built in card while using the external. I use an Orinoco Gold card and an external antenna. I can usually connect to WIFI anywhere from 1/4 mile-1 mile away from the access point and on some occasions even further.
I bought an external 7db gain WiFi andenna on ebay. It looks like a miniature cell phone antenna but with two coils. The magnet is very small, but it holds up to just about anything. It sticks as good as the XM antenna. (Have you ever tried pulling one of those things off). It also gets great reception. I have had good luck finding Wi-Fi access even out on farm roads withing 500 feet of a house. Yesterday near Joplin, I noticed a good signal from a Sleep Inn that was .3 miles away.
I second the 7db Wifi antenna from Mhzkid on ebay, a VERY GOOD antenna!!!
I bought the Orinoco Gold card and antenna for less than $60!!!
that smc 2532 card is the bomb - would work through my taurus car door without external, though Ill probably get one or use it with my cantenna
thanks Adrew I use it in the house too!
and with net stumbler it loaded up my screen with ips on average of 4 a minute going 50 miles an hour in orange county (where everyone is wireless)
Anyone tried any of the WIFI "locators" or "detectors?"

It would be great to use such a device instead of having to
watch the computer all the time to find a hot spot.

Originally posted by Mike Johnson
Anyone tried any of the WIFI \"locators\" or \"detectors?\"

It would be great to use such a device instead of having to
watch the computer all the time to find a hot spot.


They seem like a waste of cash to me. You can download a free program like Netstumbler that does the same thing and plays an audible sound when it finds a linkso you don't have to watch the screen. That's more or less what those devices do, except they don't need to be attached to a computer to do their job. But since your computer is going to be nearby whenever you use the WiFi (otherwise, why look for hotspots?), killing two birds with one free stone seems like a good deal. :)
Yea, I asked this question of the guy who owns Cantenna and he insists that Net stumbler is the bomb, not the hand hold units.
Maybe someone who owns one could chime in here because it is a drag to power up the laptop when you arent sure....
Originally posted by Mike Johnson
Anyone tried any of the WIFI \"locators\" or \"detectors?\"

It would be great to use such a device instead of having to
watch the computer all the time to find a hot spot.


Junk!! Youd be better off with Netstumbler on a laptop or handheld PC!!
I'm sure everybody who has been out chasing this year has found that pretty much all the decent motels have free wifi access. Just pull into the parking lot, turn on your pc, and go.

I bought a "Canary" wifi detector before I left home and it works great for finding wifi networks. I usually have a pretty good idea where they are, but the wifi detector means I don't have to waste time booting up if there is no network.
Originally posted by mrobinett
I second the 7db Wifi antenna from Mhzkid on ebay, a VERY GOOD antenna!!!
I bought the Orinoco Gold card and antenna for less than $60!!!

I am looking at the exact same thing on eBay, I just have a Question: Is 6' for a cable really long enough to get from the top of the car outside the passenger window to the laptop?
Depends where your laptop is. With mine, it's a bit of a stretch. If you're going to mount your laptop near the center console, get an antenna with a longer cable. Don't go too long, though, as wifi has a really really fast signal dropoff as you increase cable distance. Another 6 feet will lose you a dB or two.