When the camera is rolling, shut up!

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Sometimes, talking can be great. Other times, it can be annoying. But there are clearly times for each. But that is just my preference. I enjoy hearing a chaser explain what is going on, as sometimes the camera can't capture all that is happening. There are also times when I just enjoy watching something that is breath-taking without any commentary.....while nature does all the talking.

However, talking can at times make a video. The humorous stuff is what I really enjoy. Like the video where these two guys (I apologize for not remembering who) were shooting tornado video and some kind of huge bug comes through the open window and gets on one of the chasers. For a moment he seems to totally forget the tornado as he tries to get that bug off him and figure out what it was. In went something like this: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That's a big bug on me! What the hell?!?!" Sometimes stuff like that is outstanding.
When on a solo chase it is fairly easy to keep the silence in the video, but after being on numerous chases with a car full of people I have given up on that. I just make sure I personally dont say anything too stupid or scream like a 2 year old. Personally as it goes for not talking during the video, I could care less. Its my video, if people dont want to hear me they can turn down the volume. I dont enjoy the screaming myself, but if your not getting somewhat excited about a tornado on the ground (in open country), why did you just drive all day. Maybe someday when I have seen over 100 tornadoes or something I MAY not get that excited about them, but since I am still only at about 20, i am gonna keep acting the way I do. Some of the best videos are made the best by what is being said in the background.
I wouldn't be so sure of that. I've heard a fair share of negative comments coming from people outside the chase community about the way chasers scream and hollar in the background of tornado video's. I've also heard people - people that are the general public - say something along the lines of how they wish the person taping the tornado would shut up.

Now again, I'm talking about the videos where in the background you have someone screaming "OH MY GOD WE HAVE A VERY LARGE TORNADO, OH MY *$($()$ GOD THIS IS SO INCREDIBLE", and yelling it at the top of their lungs.

I agree and I get tired of listning to people all the time screaming or saying Oh My God. It gets annoying and I dont like listning to it being I am a cristian.
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My thoughts...

#1 - To each their own. If someone wants to hoot and hollar, let them. It's their video. If you don't like their video style, don't watch it or turn down the volume.

#2 - To anyone worried about the public perception of storm chasing...why? Do it because you enjoy it and don't worry about what other people think. The last thing I'm worried about is whether or not Joe Public thinks I'm a crazy adrenaline junkie or not.

#3 - 95% of people who sell video don't get their name with the video on TV, why would they care what people hear? Any counter argument to this would bring me back to my other point - why worry about what Joe Public thinks?