I'm dragging around a boat anchor's worth of old Canon stuff:
Two manual focus bodies; a T-90 "The Tank" and A1 "The Brick".
8 prime lenses, fairly evenly spaced, from 20 to 200mm.
20/2.8, 24/2.8, 28/2.8, 35/3.5, 50/1.4, 85mm/1.2, 135/3.5 and 200/4.
One of these days, I'll nab a 20~35/3.5 L zoom, killing 4 birds at once. The midrange zooms aren't so appealing, they're all slow and probably not as sharp as my prime glass. There is one, the 50~135/3.5, I'd like to test. I'd also like the faster 200/2.8, and as much 300mm juju as $ will allow.
When chasing or shooting anything moving, I usually have both bodies handy, pre-mounted with the lenes I hope I'll need.
A few years back, when I got my scanner, I realised how soft my Sigma 24 and 50-macro lenses were. I've been all Canon ever since, although there are a few Tokina ATX lenses I wouldn't mind using.
Throw into the mix a 25mm extension tube, Slik DX700 'pod, and a surprisingly sharp 3rd party 2X converter (Made in Japan, forget the name).
...No, I don't/can't carry all this stuff all at once...
One of these days, I'll make the plunge to a DSLR. I don't know which characteristic will take more getting used to: autofocus or the whole all-digital paradigm.
Here are a few images I've got laying around in small jpeg format.