I appreciate the feedback. My first guess was contrails but after studying (actually over thinking) the picture I noticed that there are only 3 maybe 4 contrails that are visible. At that time during the war I would think that there would be dozens of aircraft in the sky at any one time. Of course the difference in conditions at different altitudes would affect the absense or presence of a contrail. However, as B Ozanne mentioned about the duration of a contrail under the right circumstances, given the fact that those contrails had to be sustained for quite a long time given the distance they cover, I would expect to see more that 3 or 4. I guess just the shear distance they cover, the size of the trails, the fact that they are over that wide of a range of space and that there should be alot of aircraft in that area to only see a few trails is what intrigues me the most. It is just such a fascinating image and something that I have never seen before in such a manner.