What are you favorite storm chase DVDs?

May 18, 2005
I've got a birthday coming up and I would definetly like to get some storm chase DVDs and support the scene. There just happens to be so many out there for sale and I'm sure many of them are great, but what are a few that could be regarded as must-haves?

Please post any links if possible!


Well, a few that I really like are


Mickey Ptak "MESO ROAD 2005"

Amos Magliocco "CYCLONE ROAD"

"Storms of 2005" http://stormsof2005.org/

There are MANY others by some very good chasers but these are a few that I have seen and highly recommend.

Check out the Marketplace section in Stormtrack and see some of the others listed. It is well worth your time.
Storms of 2005(and I imagine 2004, but haven't seen it), Rhoden's 2003-2004 video, and Tim Samaras' video(assuming) should keep you happy for a good while. All for sale in the marketplace section. I also really liked Jason Politte and Scott Blair's 2004 video(again this one is in the market place area).

I like Bill Reid chase videos the most, but I'm not sure he's making one this year or is selling the older ones. I'm also a big Dave Lewison( http://www.facethewind.com ) video fan.

I REALLY like a LOT of chase videos, but those are some of the ones I personally enjoy the most.
Thanks guys! All of those look great btw.

I'm also interested in some good footage of the May 1999 Oklahoma outbreak and the Hallam, Ne F4.
Feel free to check out any of mine as well; I think I add a bit of a unique look into chasing as a whole as not only do I cover the weather highlights, but a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff like forecasting and chase get-togethers.

Amos' 'Cyclone Road' and just about anything Shane Adams puts out is worth while. Shane recently sent me copies of a couple of his DVDs and they are terrific!
Weather Gone Wild DVD-R

Shameless plug mode ON

This Storm Chaser Movie is a great gift idea for the weather nut in your family.
Shipment will be in a movie quality DVD case including the "cool" tornado cover as shown below.


Retail Price for this impressive new movie is $29.95 . Now only $22.00 ( includes 1st Class Shipping and a FREE 4" x 6" tornado photo!)

To order your DVD-R copy of Weather Gone Wild
please make check or Money Order for $22.00 payable to:

Windswept Enterprises
Attn: Dean Cosgrove
PO Box 145
Curtis, NE 69025

All nine of the DVD's and VHS chase videos I have available can be found on the following page on my new Storm Chase Tours site.
Orders may be placed from this site using your Visa or Master Card.


Dean Cosgrove
I've already seen Mike's "Plains Gone Wild" (or The Dream like it seems its a new caption) and its incredible, Mike!

Currently I am waiting for new Mike's and Nick's DVDs from 2005 and also "Storms of 2004/2005". So I can tell you more later, but after reading some of the reviews I can be sure they're great, well thats why I ordered them :)
I currently own close to 100 tornado videos and dvd's (yes hard to believe, but there are that many out there, and still alot that i dont have :shock: ). Out of all the videos that i own, i would have to say that my favorites are Tim Marshalls videos. Hes got a great video from the may 3 99 event also. I own almost all of his videos and not a single one is a dissapoint!
There are a lot of good ones out there....but my list would pretty much include anything by (in no particular order) Tim Marshall, Dean Cosgrove, William Reid, Jim Leonard, Shane Adams, Mike Hollingshead, Mike Umscheid and Roger Hill. I just picked up Bobby Prentice's 6 dvd set spanning 1990 - 2005...it's good stuff as well...as I said there are plenty more with good stuff out there, but this are the ones I look for first each year..

Really, when it comes down to it, you can't lose by investing in ANY chaser's DVDs. They are all unique and all entertaining - taking the viewer on journeys no other production would. However, for the record and IMO......

For some classic, nostalgic, epic chase DVDs spanning over 25 years (ye-es, you've guessed it), I wouldn't go anywhere else except straight to Tim Marshall. Click on Tim Marshall's shop to view and purchase.

For some fast-paced modern day action from some "young 'uns" edited with great poise, I'd have to recommend the recent (2003 & 2004) works of Scott Blair and Jason Politte. Both Season of Significance (2003) and Timeless Journey are great works. If I had to choose just one - I'd go for Timeless Journey, myself.

Anyway......my 0.02.....whatever that's worth.

I would recommend to everyone to try Dave Crowley and Justin Teague's Twisted Skies 2004.

There is some killer footage and just about every minute (of a 1 hour) of this DVD is excellent. You can see short clips of a lot of the tornadoes on their web site StormGuy.com [video clips] (note: you must register with their site to see the videos, it's free), which includes May 12 - Attica, KS May 22 - Hallam, NE May 29 - Calumet, OK June 12 - Mulvane, KS and more. This is very professionally done with high quality video footage from CLOSE UP.

This one is hard to beat in my opinion, everyone that I show this to wants a copy of it.

Example Clips:
May 12 - Medicine Lodge, KS

May 12 - Attica, KS

June 12 - Mulvane, KS
Hi all,

I wish I could purchase all of the DVD mentioned in this thread! Each person have their own angle and also special storm event they were fortunate enough to have intercepted.

I would not mind doing a swap with anyone as I have done in the past of our DVDs from 2004 or perhaps Australian storm DVDs which are at least different.

Information is available at:


or more directly



Jimmy Deguara
I just got Meso Road 2005 a few days ago. I absolutely love this DVD! Sure, the footage, the hail, the lightning, all that is great, but the best part of this DVD to me is the completely realistic conversation that occurs between the chasers during the video. I sat there and watched it and thought to myself... "I have said those very words before". If you love storm chasing and awesome footage of tornadoes as well as the humor of chasing with someone who might be more bold or less bold than you are when it comes to driving under a rotating storm, you have got to see this! I highly recommend it.