'We're in a (bleep) tornado!' store

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Joey Ketcham

I'm suprised that nobody has posted this yet.

Hop over to cnn.com and check out the "'We're in a (bleep) tornado!'" video. Apparently a storm chaser in Nebraska got him and whomever in a bad position and got hit by the tornado.

I'm not sure who these chasers are, but they're lucky to be alive. Them getting into that position is very irresponsible, stupid, and dangerous.
That would the Randy Hicks, the "Outlaw Storm Chaser" Second Place winner of the 2005 Denver storm chase video contest for those of you who were their last year. His video is the first half of the stuff.

Then their is Jeff P footage in there but that was pretty bad since it was all out of focus and shaky. I also noticed a huge audio drop out in the video so one can only guess what was said.

Crazy stuff but someone is going to get hurt one of these days when you can stay back another 200 years with a wide angle lense and get the same thing on video as well as the base of the cloud.

As for telling these guys anything, well, we all know Jeff P is nuts. Randy Hicks, well, he was at this year storm conference and pretty much said that he does not care what anyone thinks.

Here is to the fallen chasers that have gone before us watching over us. Just hope we don't have anyone else joining them to help them out.
As for telling these guys anything, well, we all know Jeff P is nuts. Randy Hicks, well, he was at this year storm conference and pretty much said that he does not care what anyone thinks. [/b]

Jeff Piotrowski is one of the most skilled chasers there is. He can chase the way he does because he knows what the hell he's doing. He's done (and continues to do) a lell of a lot more good than he ever did bad.

If the Randy Hicks incident was an accident, he's going to kill himself sooner or later. If he did it on purpose, I hope he kills himself. Having some assclown out there intentionally driving into tornadoes and then having it advertised on CNN is something that actually could hurt chasers and chasing itself. So the next time he does it, I hope like hell he's killed. Thin the herd.
Re: the Randy Hicks video... Woe! What surprised me more than anything was that no one in the car seemed too concerned about it all. They were weirdly nonchalant about it-- like it was all just a lot of fun-- given that they actually seemed to be within a tornadic circulation! :)
That would the Randy Hicks, the "Outlaw Storm Chaser" Second Place winner of the 2005 Denver storm chase video contest for those of you who were their last year. [/b]

Having some assclown out there intentionally driving into tornadoes and then having it advertised on CNN is something that actually could hurt chasers and chasing itself.[/b]

Hmm, I wonder what could be driving him to do dangerous things to get wild video. :rolleyes:

Seems like we can't complain if he cause chasers embarassment, at least the people who are encouraging the guy by awarding him.
I just watched that video this evening on the internet, and I must say, I did not favor the way he reacted at the time. Yelling, swearing constantly, and basically saying "woo hoo look at the debris!" and rolling down his window and sticking his arm out the window is just stupid IMHO. I am not usually one to judge someone I do not know, so if he is actually a nice guy, it's a bit of a shame this video had to be shown on national TV because it just makes him look bad, accidental or not. I don't ever want to be in that position but these things can happen (accidently), but you won't see me getting hyped over it, I would be praying and hope to dear God that I don't end up in a ball of twisted metal.
Jeff Piotrowski is one of the most skilled chasers there is. He can chase the way he does because he knows what the hell he's doing. He's done (and continues to do) a lell of a lot more good than he ever did bad.

If the Randy Hicks incident was an accident, he's going to kill himself sooner or later. If he did it on purpose, I hope he kills himself. Having some assclown out there intentionally driving into tornadoes and then having it advertised on CNN is something that actually could hurt chasers and chasing itself. So the next time he does it, I hope like hell he's killed. Thin the herd.

WHAT??? You 'hope like hell he is killed' if chases agressively and 'gives you a bad name'? Thats completely retarded. wishing the death of another chaser is sick and disgusting.
Whoa! The dude's lucky he and his passenger made it out of there alive. Wild stuff, and VERY irresponsible. He's got some balls, I'll give him that much.
Jeff Piotrowski is one of the most skilled chasers there is. He can chase the way he does because he knows what the hell he's doing. He's done (and continues to do) a lell of a lot more good than he ever did bad.

If the Randy Hicks incident was an accident, he's going to kill himself sooner or later. If he did it on purpose, I hope he kills himself. Having some assclown out there intentionally driving into tornadoes and then having it advertised on CNN is something that actually could hurt chasers and chasing itself. So the next time he does it, I hope like hell he's killed. Thin the herd.

Since Randy was caravaning (third car back) with Mr.P , how can their actions be looked at differently?

Skilled isn't 70mph plus on a Kansas county road either , thats playing catch up because you missed it :unsure:

Our local station in Tulsa said it was from an amatuer chaser :D
WHAT??? You 'hope like hell he is killed' if chases agressively and 'gives you a bad name'? Thats completely retarded. wishing the death of another chaser is sick and disgusting.

Took longer than I expected to get the first reply like this one.

What's so horrible about a person wishing death on another person, when that person is actively putting themselves in a position to be killed? I think my comments pale in comparison next to this guy actually driving into a tornado intentionally. Not that it matters, but there's a lot of people who are thinking the same thing. And let me clear up an obvious misunderstanding...I never said I was concerned about this guy making me look bad, I said I was concerned about the impacts a stunt like this could have on chasing itself. I could care less what anyone thinks about me personally, but I care a LOT about the activity of chasing storms and tornadoes. This isn't a case of some chaser getting too close, this is a case of a moron intentionally driving into a tornado, then laughing about it. You're going to call me out because I said some mean things, while supporting this man's attempt at defying death (and just to be on national television)? I might need to question your priorities of accepted behavior.
"What's so horrible about a person wishing death on another person, when that person is actively putting themselves in a position to be killed?"

because that is his choice, not yours, or mine, or anyone elses, but him and his passenger(s?).

He took a risk yet it sounds like they rather enjoyed it... so I dont see the big problem. Wishing death upon them is certainly way overboard.
because that is his choice, not yours, or mine, or anyone elses, but him and his passenger(s?).

He took a risk yet it sounds like they rather enjoyed it... so I dont see the big problem. Wishing death upon them is certainly way overboard.

Let me rephrase it....if he wants to get himself killed, I'm all for it. Just don't screw it up for me in the process.
Why does it matter? Because it jeporadizes the future dynamic of storm chasing and changes public opinion on storm chasers. Just look at the way CNN has been presenting it, every time they play it the anchor disccuses it with the meteorologist and makes it sound as if chasers were irresponsible thrill-seekers.
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