Weird issues with COD radar site

Jan 14, 2011
St. Louis
Wondering if it's just me or if others see this. I've always used the COD site for radar loops as IMO it's better than other apps for variable-length looping. I always have it up in a browser tab along with GR and Threatnet.

In Firefox, the COD radar page makes the entire browser hang and lag a lot. I know they are still using Flash, which may be the issue (I have everything up to date). Chrome is fine.

The other nagging issue is that the radar page refresh doesn't auto-execute when the tab isn't active. That means when I switch to the tab with the radar, it immediately starts a refresh and I have to wait for the loop to reload, every single time. Is there a way to make it refresh even when it's not the active tab? This happens for me in all browsers. I figure that might be a browser thing rather than anything with COD.
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IDK. I don't use the radar feature as heavily as you do, but I have not noticed these issues myself. I pretty much only use Chrome anymore, as Firefox seems to make my machines crash.
COD's radar pages are my goto. So I checked the COD nexrad loops on Firefox on my PC (I don't use FF, but downloaded it to see) and the only delay I noticed was likely from the age of my PC. In essence, it loads as I expected. I do like how FF remembers your flash preference, as opposed to forcing the user to approve its use every browser session (as in Vivaldi [which I like/use], Chrome, and Edge).

COD's models page uses HAniS for animation (straight javascript as opposed to FlAniS) and, while I can't confirm, it looks like their Sat/Composite Radar loops' code is their own creation (still JS). I think they'll switch sooner or later; probably in the works. Just give the project to the grad students. lol.
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