Website ads

Indeed that is a concern... some articles on the web like this one bear that out. On the other hand, they do use some pattern matching to cut down on false alarms. This is all experimental... if it gets shut down it's no skin off my back (or however that old saw goes).

So how is this going Tim? Is it worth having for the extra cash? Does having them also help get a better ranking in Google?
So how is this going Tim? Is it worth having for the extra cash? Does having them also help get a better ranking in Google?

LOL I dunno - but that new bar along the right hand side of the forum is uber-annoying! :lol: It off-balances the WHOLE forum no matter what page you are reading.

We're going to be experimenting with putting a few low-key Google ads on the top to see if it brings us a few more dollars for running the site. I've taken care to make sure that it only uses the existing whitespace and isn't annoying.


In regards to the ads appearing to the right of posts, was that area really whitespace before? It seems to me that posts used to go all the way to the right of the screen/window. If so, this is not merely using "existing whitespace". Perhaps it depends on the browser you're using, I don't know...

Be that as it may, I have to admit that I appear to have gotten used to the presence of the ads relatively quickly, and find them to be only a minor distraction. I suppose if this kind of thing is what it takes to keep the board going, so be it. I guess I can live with it. I've seen way worse on other sites, that's for sure.
One of the adds is giving Tims book away for free " Weather forecasting Handbook".. ???

It is the one I paid 25$ for.. lol
I'm fine with the ads, since I understand the need to financially support ST while also not making the board extremely annoying. I guess I prefer the ads being top rather than on the sides (since the ads on the side change the layout of the board and offset the page). Am I to guess that there weren't enough clicks when the ads were on the top?

As long as we don't start seeing Google ads look like posts IN threads I'll be okay with it. That arrangement of ads drives me crazy! I hate boards which do that -- the Google ads that look like posts placed every 3-4 posts in all threads.
Perhaps increase the amount of adds that visitors see. Since I don't think that most ST members will be clicking ads anyway. Something like:

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-7948923252002525";
google_ad_width = 120;
google_ad_height = 600;
google_ad_format = "120x600_as";
google_ad_type = "text";
google_ad_channel ="";
google_color_border = "CCCCCC";
google_color_bg = "CCCCCC";
google_color_link = "000000";
google_color_url = "666666";
google_color_text = "333333";

<script type="text/javascript"