Originally posted by Mike Smith
Mr. Erwin,
The U.S. and Canadian postal services charge fees for their services. U.S. National Parks charge a fee. The comparison with health care does not work in the United States as the government does not run health clinics.
Let me restate what I said in an earlier post: If the USPS delivered packages free, FedEx would be out of business in a matter of months. A business cannot compete with a government's free services.
Hi, Mike! I think most of us appreciate that you're willing to go down in the trenches and hold the line on your sacred cow, but the thing is, if you examine your position even a little, it is very unconvincing. In some ways it doesn't even pass the laugh test, but in today's political climate, who knows.
I assure you, everyone here is quite literate. I daresay many of us even understand politics and the silly spins that get attached to corporate welfare bills. The language of the bill does not say what you claim it does. The language is intentionally ambiguous. The bill is designed to give people like you more political clout to get your way with the weather service. It is not designed to make weather data open to the citizens, it's designed to make weather data open to you -- and to make sure you're the only one who can use it. Really, what do you care if Joe and Jane Autoworker in Detroit can get free access to all NWS raw data? Where is your profit in that? If, indeed, that were your motivation for supporting this bill, were I a stockholder in your company, I'd hope that you'd be fired from your board, as that is a very stupid reason for a CEO of a weather company to support this kind of bill. I don't think you're stupid. I think you're being disingenuous.
It is both fortunate and unfortunate for you that accurate weather forecasts (
note: I said forecasts, not "data") are essential to all Americans in order for this country to function properly. It is fortunate in that many people will pay money for this information, and this is information that you supply. It is unfortunate in that it is so essential to Americans that they've collectively created a forecasting system that pays little attention to the normal economic factors involved in determining if something is worth investing in, and you're forced to compete with it. (You don't *really* think Goodland, Kansas's multimillion dollar radar array and round-the-clock team of weather forecasters would pass the laugh test in terms of profitability, do ya?). Yes, our weather service focuses on the core principle that all Americans everywhere need, have a right to, and indeed have already paid for weather forecasting. This system is bought and paid for, and for the past century or so, it's been working quite well.
It should be no mystery to you why people might get a little hot and bothered to learn that a bill has been introduced in Congress (by a man who's quite clearly seen a few dollars come his way from your industry's lobby) that would do away with much of this system. Despite your furious attempts at spin, I remain convinced that you know that this is the true goal of the bill -- again, if you didn't, then you wouldn't be a very smart CEO, because I assure you, your competitors are well aware of the intent of this bill. And I really can't say that I blame you for supporting this bill; there's dollar signs in it for your company, and the way capitalism works, you have responsibility only to your shareholders. The problem with what you're proposing is that you want to have your cake and eat it, too -- zero investment for large return. (Well, I guess in some sense you can count a few dollars slipped to a senator or two an investment.) This is all well and good for you, but you're crazy in the head if you think that Joe Taxpayer should want to go along. You want access to enormous amounts of data gathered by technology and manpower that you did not invest in, in order that you may analyize and repackage it before selling it to prospective customers (often the same customers who paid for the infrastructure to gather the data in the first place). Which is all well and good, except that you do not propose to stop there -- you now not only want free access to the information, but you wish to silence the very dissemination of the forecast products that the information was gathered to create. Your reasoning behind this is not so much that you could create better products (if you could, likely you wouldn't need a bill like this to drum up business, because the edge you provided over the competition -- even the free competition -- would be well worth the investment), but rather that you could more easily make a dollar or two doing it, whereas right now you're not.
Fundementally, where your argument breaks down is that by nature it must assume that the gathering of the data and the forecasts aren't somehow fundementally linked. This is fairly amusing when you think about it, as clearly one is done with purpose of facilitating the other. One does not go to the forest and spend an hour sitting in a tree watching for deer with a gun in one's lap just for fun -- there is a goal attached to the practice -- shooting a deer. Similarly, one does not gather trilobytes of weather and climate data just for the hell of it -- it's there for the final product: forecasting. I don't know if you think we're naive, or what. Clearly the general public wouldn't know what in the world to do with a raw METAR or a level 2 doppler data feed (though, of course, you would). They just want to know whether to pack an umbrella or to wake up early to scrape the car. And they have a right to know that, given that they've already paid for the infrastructure to answer those questions. The public has purchased that data so that they can get forecasts. Likely they never would have purchased it to begin with if they thought that the data wasn't going to lead to free, public forecasts for all Americans.
Which is exactly the scenario you want. If forecasts are given away for free, how can you charge everyone for them? You want the right to interpret the data gathered by this infrastructure all to yourself. For free.
I dunno if you have a good nose for smelling the political winds, but it should seem clear that that's probably not going to happen. That certainly isn't good news for your company, but then nobody put a gun to your head to get into the weather industry. Like most companies, I'm sure if your products are good enough to create demand and your company is run well enough, you will find ways to make money. Without it coming out of my pocket.