Vista considered harmful to photographers

Is XP even stable currently? No Blue screens, hold ups, etc?


I haven't had any crashes on my laptop with XP at all. Having said that, I still don't like it because there's just too much bloatware embedded in XP. Just another MS product that's an inefficient memory pig.

Now I'm seriously thinking of switching to Linux on the laptop and getting rid of the XP.

I haven't had any crashes on my laptop with XP at all. Having said that, I still don't like it because there's just too much bloatware embedded in XP. Just another MS product that's an inefficient memory pig.

Now I'm seriously thinking of switching to Linux on the laptop and getting rid of the XP.


I'm currently dual-booting Ubuntu linux and XP SP2. I gave brief thought to moving to all Linux (i.e. removing XP), but Linux can be such a pain in the butt sometimes. Fetch this library, ./make that, vim install.config something else. I still haven't had any luck getting my WPA2 wireless system in my house to work under Linux (supposedly, there are ways to get WPA to work, but they've all been unsuccessful for me, even after spending 4-5 hours trying to get it to work). Needless to say, I certainly won't be going "all Linux" anytime soon. I do like the dual-boot setup, however, since I have some work-related apps that only work on the Linux side (e.g. SoloII).

Unrelated to this, I chuckle when I read about some folks dogging Vista for being all about eye candy (neglecting some of the very important security changes and top-level changes to the kernel structure in Vista) and saying they are moving to Mac, an OS that has, for many years, been a lot more "pretty" and full of eye-candy than any MS OS. If Apple wasn't so dang controlling with their hardware, I'd consider it (building a Mac-machine isn't as much fun given the relative lack of hardware options/brands/models and the relatively steep price). But hey, that's a big reason why Mac OSs tend to be quite stable (if you keep a tight reign on the hardware your OS must address, it's much easier for your OS to behave properly). FWIW, I haven't had a non-self-inflicted crash in XP for years. <end rant>