I've been having a heck of a time with my USB hub this past few weeks. Not sure if it is my air card that is killing it and my computer or if it's something else with the USB hub. I've lost GPS multiple times and there is no rhyme or reason why it goes away. I've been having an absolute technology meltdown, but I used a USB hub all last season without an issue. I've bought a new USB hub thinking that it was my problem, but that didn't seem to help. Hopefully getting my cradlepoint working again so I can just plug my air card into that will have a positive effect.
Charles what solution(s) did you come up with? I've got 4 USB ports, and a mouse, easy cap, GPS, air card to stay plugged in all the time and then an external drive and camera to possibly plug in. A USB hub seemed like the answer to my problem, but now it seems like it's the cause of all my problems.