Upgraded my Web Site, Storm Photos Online!!

Larry J. Kosch

Thanks to some timely advice from a fellow StormTracker, I was able to set up a web page to post my storm pictures, information, etc. I upgraded the web site today and now I have storm photos (including the Waverly NE wallcloud on June 13, 2004). Title of the web site is Storm Chasing in SE Nebraska.


If anyone is interested in getting their storm photos put online, please indicate that in the guest book on my web site or e-mail me. I have set up a Guest Photo page for your photos. I will be happy to put them on and give you full copyright credit for the photos.

Thanks for looking! 8)

Update: Guest Book Deleted. Had to rework the website. LJK.
Web Site Updated!!

Just got my web site updated with new photos from June 2004 storms and I have guest photos now. Steve Fitzsimmons from Madison WI was nice enough to send me a couple of pics from a tornado that went thru his hometown on June 23, 2004. Here's a link:


New pages, new looks, new pictures. I have thumbnails on my Storm Photo index page so you can scan and see what you wanted to see.

Hey, many thanks to the StormTrack viewers who visited my site this past month. I've had more than 200 visitors with at least 50% coming from StormTrack forum. Thanks!! LJK. 8)