"Twisters" discussion

I still haven't seen the movie. No reason other than my procrastination - I've only been to the theater to see a movie 3 times in the past 15 years. I understand it's out on DVD now? It seems like the impact of this film was short-lived - I haven't really seen it being discussed or referenced much anywhere in the past month or so. Does anyone else get the impression it's not going to have the enduring appeal that the original had?
Perhaps not with the current community, but it’s definitely resonated with younger weather enthusiasts (around 18 and younger) such as myself. “If you feel it, chase it!” feels like it has almost become the equivalent of “We got cows!” The movie for sure had an impact, it’s just not visible right now. I suspect in 5 or 10 years when we start chasing and getting involved in the greater WX community, you’ll see how much of an impact the movie had.
I don't know if any movie will be able to move the dial culturally anymore to be honest. Back in the 90s we were all much more limited in what we were able to watch and consume, and word of mouth played a big part in getting people to check something out. These days, with more content than it is possible to consume being pumped out, it's going to take a lot for any one thing to cut through the noise.