Twister sequel

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Haven't yet heard of any prescreenings here, maybe there have been and I just haven't seen any notifications of one. Probably will wait till the crowds die down to go see it.
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There are some fun “featurettes” to watch on this site

After seeing it last night, I am not impressed. If you're into watching a girl boss kill her friends in a tornado, steal and subsequently wreck two dudes trucks and break hearts then this is the movie for you! I found myself going "wtf" more than the original in 1996, which I walked out of going "what the F?"

It seems like a lot of others are enjoying it, so I dont wanna talk too poorly about it, but I found myself majorly disappointed as I left the theater last night. Waiting for it to come out for free seems like a better option if you're on the fence about it.
It will be interesting to see what the general public thinks. The public reviews so far have been from people who wanted to see the film and did so via special screenings and premiers. Chasers here and on social media seem to be split. I think the public will love it.

I was a single guy with just enough publicity when the original Twister came out, so I had my share of chasing romance and drama. Hopefully, Twisters will inspire more kids to pursue science, not clogging the highways with big red Ram trucks, fitted with drilling augers. 🤣
This thread mainly appeared to be discussing the speculation and initial trailers of the movie. The thread didn't even use the title of the movie (unknown at the time, but now known). Therefore, I am going to close this thread and open a new thread on the movie itself.

The new thread can be found here: "Twisters" discussion
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