Oct 10, 2004
Madison, WI
I have made some updates to my section of the Stoughton Piston Head Society website devoted to weather/chasing, which I call "Forecast-TSTMS LIKELY!". I have added a running page of the weather events of 2005. It will include a short blurb written by be as well as links to much more information (chase accounts, news stories, NWS surveys) about the event.


I have also added quite a few new links to the high risk archive, including some new SPC outlooks. I now have the partial texts of the outlooks from April 19, 1996, as well as all the 01Z graphics from October 24, 2001, the 01Z graphics from June 11, 2001, and the 1630 and 2000Z categorical graphics from April 6, 2001.

Good work Andy - if you carry this enthusiasm through each year of chasing - I think your pages might become a mecca for all who need to know about any certain date or season!

Just completed an update of the 2005 "blog" page, with images and links for the most recent weather events. If you find any broken links, or images that aren't working, or text frames that seem to be chopped off, please let me know. I checked everything as thoroughly as I could but I am kinda tired right now. :)


I would like to make this page a one-stop source for all chase accounts for the 2005 storm season, so if you chased on one of the days I have listed and I don't have your link up there just drop me an email and I'll add it to the list.

Several updates to the high risk archive are in the works for later this weekend. I will add several events/outlooks from the 1990s that I was missing before, plus last Monday.
Great site Andy! THis site can be useful if you keep it up. A lot of good info from everybody on one site...good stuff. Keep it up!! 8)
Thanks everybody.

Andy the dark blue on black is a bit hard on the eyes...just to let you know.

Yeah...I'm inclined to agree with you. I thought blue would contrast well on the black background but I do see what you mean. I'll probably change either the background or text color next time I update it...any suggestions?

I now have the high risk archive updated with a bunch of SWODY1 texts and Public Severe Weather Outlooks from the 1990s that I found while searching Google Groups (which don't come up when doing a Google Web search). Oh, and last Monday is up too. :)

Andy, I think just good old black on white would work great. The content alone speaks volumes about the professional approach you've already taken.

Thanks for you work! :)

