Because it was a short term, local experiment the union did not have to agree. That's why something as simple as the threat tags can't be expanded nationally, since it requires union negotiations from the increased (?) workload.
Elaine, I'm not sure your conclusion about future catastrophic warnings would prove valid.
You are saying that if Grand Rapids issues one for Barry County, residents will likely ignore it because of that warning last year? I'd have to disagree with you there.
Is there even any evidence that residents of that county would ignore another? The research I've seen says they would not.
If one ignores a tornado warning for where they are, they do so at their own peril. Personally, if a tornado warning warning is issued for Washtenaw Co., where I live, and nothing touches down or hurts anyone, I react with gratitude, not cynicism. I certainly was grateful last March 15 when no one was seriously injured locally...